What is the use of @XMLElement?
A JavaBean property, when annotated with @XmlElement annotation is mapped to a local element in the XML Schema complex type to which the containing class is mapped.
What is XmlTransient annotation?
Annotation Type XmlTransient Prevents the mapping of a JavaBean property/type to XML representation. The @XmlTransient annotation is useful for resolving name collisions between a JavaBean property name and a field name or preventing the mapping of a field/property.
What is @XmlType?
The @XmlType annotation can be defined for a class. The annotation element propOrder() in the @XmlType annotation allows you to specify the content order in the generated schema type. When you use the @XmlType. When class content order is specified by the @XmlType.
How do you use JAXB annotations?
1) List of JAXB Annotations. Defines the XML root element. Root Java classes need to be registered with the JAXB context when it is created. Defines the fields and properties of your Java classes that the JAXB engine uses for binding.
When should I use XmlTransient?
The @XmlTransient annotation is useful for resolving name collisions between a JavaBean property name and a field name or preventing the mapping of a field/property. A name collision can occur when the decapitalized JavaBean property name and a field name are the same.
What is @XmlAccessorType XmlAccessType field?
One area is configuring the use of fields or properties to access the data in your domain objects. This is specified as an XmlAccessType (PUBLIC_MEMBER, PROPERTY, FIELD, or NONE) via the @XmlAccessorType annotation.
What is getClobVal?
getClobVal() Returns the value of the XMLtype instance as a CLOB. getNumVal() Returns the value of the XMLtype instance as a NUMBER. This is only valid if the input XMLtpye instance contains a simple text node and is convertible to a number.
What is @XmlJavaTypeAdapter?
When @XmlJavaTypeAdapter annotation is defined on a class, it applies to all references to the class. When @XmlJavaTypeAdapter annotation is defined on the field, property or parameter, then the annotation applies to the field, property or the parameter only.
When to use the @ XmlRootElement annotation in Java?
The @XmlRootElement annotation can be used with the following program elements: a top level class an enum type See “Package Specification” in javax.xml.bind.package javadoc for additional common information.
How is an enum annotated in an XML document?
Maps a collection to a list of values separated by space. This maps a class or an enum type to an XML root element. When a top-level class or an enum type is annotated with the @XmlRootElement annotation, then its value is represented as XML element in an XML document.
What do you need to know about JAXB annotations?
Learn about JAXB annotations in detail along with their usage during marshalling and unmarshalling operations. Defines the XML root element. Root Java classes need to be registered with the JAXB context when it is created. Defines the fields and properties of your Java classes that the JAXB engine uses for binding.
When to use @ xmltransient on a class?
When placed on a class, it indicates that the class shouldn’t be mapped to XML by itself. Properties on such class will be mapped to XML along with its derived classes as if the class is inlined. @XmlTransient is mutually exclusive with all other JAXB defined annotations.