
What is a SASSI assessment?

What is a SASSI assessment?

Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory (SASSI) is a tool used to assess if a person is suffering from a certain substance abuse disorder. This assessment is done with the help of questionnaires making the entire evaluation process simpler and more effective.

What is the SASSI scale?

The Adolescent SASSI-A2 SYM scale is similar to the FVA and FVOD scales in that it provides an indication of the client’s willingness to disclose loss of control and negative consequences of substance misuse.

What does the SASSI-4 measure?

SASSI-4 identifies high or low probability of substance use disorders and includes a prescription drug scale that identifies individuals likely to be abusing prescription medications.

How do you interpret SASSI scores?

A DEF score of T-60 or greater suggests defensive responding on the SASSI-3. Elevated DEF scores increase the possibility of the SASSI missing substance dependent individuals. Elevated DEF may also reflect situational factors.

Who can administer the SASSI?

Eligibility to purchase, administer and/or use these measures for clinical purposes is limited to individuals with training and experience in the area of assessment. Individuals who do not have professional training can administer and score the instrument if there is appropriate supervision.

What is the difference between screening and assessment?

Screening is a process for evaluating the possible presence of a particular problem. The outcome is normally a simple yes or no. Assessment is a process for defining the nature of that problem, determining a diagnosis, and developing specific treatment recommendations for addressing the problem or diagnosis.

How long is the SASSI assessment?

How long is training? Each session is approximately 3.5 hours.

How many questions are on the SASSI?

These 26 items comprise the Face Valid Alcohol (FVA) and Face Valid Other Drugs (FVOD) scales and are similar to items found on the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST; Selzer, 1971) and the CAGE (Ewing, 1984). The SASSI-3 is interpreted using nine decision rules.

What is the Sassi 3?

The Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory-3 (SASSI-3; Miller & Lazowski, 1999) is a substance use screen that uses logically derived, or obvious questions, as well as subtle, or empirically derived questions. The SASSI-3 can be completed, scored and interpreted in 15 minutes.

How accurate is the SASSI?

For instance, the SASSI-3 for adults has a demonstrated overall accuracy rate of 94%, with a 6% chance that the SASSI could mistakenly identify someone as having a high probability of having a substance use disorder when they don’t and also a 6% chance that the SASSI-3 could potentially miss someone.

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