
What happened to TKE at Auburn?

What happened to TKE at Auburn?

AUBURN –Following the recommendation of a student review committee, Auburn University has suspended Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity after a five-week investigation of policy violations. Vice President for Student Affairs Bettye Burkhalter on Tuesday suspended TKE for three years.

How many members does Tau Kappa Epsilon have?

As of fall 2019 there were 230 active TKE chapters and colonies….

Tau Kappa Epsilon
Philanthropy St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Chapters 230 active
Members 9,691 collegiate 289,000 lifetime
Nicknames TKE, Teke

What is a TKE sweetheart?

What is the TKE International Sweetheart? The International Sweetheart of TKE recognizes TKE Nation’s women leaders for their commitment to impacting their local communities, advancing scholastic success and embodying the values that have shaped our great Fraternity.

Does TKE haze?

A: Tau Kappa Epsilon does not condone or tolerate any form of hazing and is committed to a membership education period which instills a sense of responsibility and commitment in the new members. This period will assist your son in overcoming some of his concerns about success in college.

What does TKE mean?


Acronym Definition
TKE Total Kinetic Energy
TKE Terminal Knee Extension (exercise)
TKE Track Angle Error
TKE Track to Track

What is a frat dream girl?

One of the many traditions of Pi Kappa Alpha is the Dream Girl. The Pike Dream Girl is any woman from a sorority who best represents and unselfishly supports the fraternity. Each year a new Dream Girl is chosen. The Dream Girl is carefully chosen based on her efforts in promoting Pikes on campus and not on popularity.

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