
What did you observe on the Elodea leaves?

What did you observe on the Elodea leaves?

The elodea like all green plants uses the process of photosynthesis to produce organic energy molecules. Oxygen is a by product of the process of photosynthesis. Oxygen can be observed leaving the elodea cells. Under a microscope the green chloroplasts inside of the cell can be observed.

What organelles can you see in a Elodea leaf cell?

Elodea leaf cells with structures labeled&Group=&Category=Plants&Section=Introduction” data-ni=”1″ jsdata=”XZxcdf;6dLN-EucUzs9jM;CLy3Ec” data-ved=”2ahUKEwjwwPyGs-7zAhVUUd4KHZuCBGoQzkx6BAgsEAA”>
Some plant cells have organelles called chloroplasts that make them green and able to capture energy from light. Rigid walls typically made of cellulose surround plant cells. Chloroplasts and mitochondria move within Elodea leaf cells; nuclei are also visible as clear, fried-egg-shaped structures.

What is the 3d shape of Elodea cells?

The meristematic apex of Elodea is cylindrical rather than merelv dome-shaped.

What structure was only visible in the Elodea?

Onion and Elodea (Cabomba) are both plants, yet chloroplasts are only visible in the Elodea cells.

What structures of Elodea cells are unique to plants?

The elodea cell will have a central vacuole in addition to chloroplasts. Plant cells also have a cell wall which is not a structure found in animal cells.

What is the main function of an Elodea leaf?

This Elodea leaf cell exemplifies a typical plant cell. It has a nucleus, and a stiff cell wall which gives the cell its box-like shape. The numerous green chloroplasts allow the cell to make its own food (by photosynthesis).

What is the function of the Elodea cell?

What shape are the Elodea chloroplasts what is their function?

Chloroplasts are a type of plastid—a round, oval, or disk-shaped body that is involved in the synthesis and storage of foodstuffs. Chloroplasts are distinguished from other types of plastids by their green colour, which results from the presence of two pigments, chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b.

What is the general shape of one Elodea cell?

box-like shape
Lack a cell wall, and have no central vacuole. This Elodea leaf cell exemplifies a typical plant cell. It has a nucleus, and a stiff cell wall which gives the cell its box-like shape.

What 2 structures were visible when viewing plant cells like Elodea that are not found in animal cells?

Two characteristics that distinguish plant cells from animal cells are the presence of a cell wall and chloroplasts—structures that can be seen in the videos. In the videos, the chloroplasts are seen moving through the cell because of a phenomenon called cytoplasmic streaming: the cytoplasm flows around the nucleus.

What structure does the chloroplast of Elodea contain?

Elodea (above), like all plants and algae, consists of cells which contain organelles called chloroplasts (small green ovals). If you look carefully at living cells through a microscope, you may see the chloroplasts moving slowly around the cell edges.

What is the function of an Elodea cell wall?

This Elodea leaf cell exemplifies a typical plant cell. It has a nucleus, and a stiff cell wall which gives the cell its box-like shape. The numerous green chloroplasts allow the cell to make its own food (by photosynthesis).

What is the function of an Elodea leaf?

Elodea provides shelter and food for many aquatic insects, crustaceans and fish. Elodea is often used in decorative purposes in the freshwater aquariums. Elodea quickly grows in waters rich in nitrogen and phosphorus. Rapid growth of elodea reduces oxygen content in the water and leads to fish kills.

What is the size of an Elodea cell?

Elodea (Cabomba): Length .075 mm; Width .02 mm. Cheek cell: Diameter .09 mm. Onion and Elodea (Cabomba) are both plants, yet chloroplasts are only visible in the Elodea cells. How do you explain this? The onion bulb is found underground, no light is available for photosynthesis.

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