
What are some common phrases in Finnish?

What are some common phrases in Finnish?

These are some of the most useful words and phrases that you will need on a visit to Finland.

  • Kiitos (Please/thank you)
  • Puhutteko englantia? (Do you speak English?)
  • Hei hei (Hi/bye)
  • Mitä tama/tuo on? (What is this/that?)
  • En ymmärrä (I don’t understand)
  • Puhuisitteko hieman hitaammin? (Can you speak more slowly?)

What is Finland’s slogan?

Finish motto: The power of a Finn is the Sisu within. #finland #suomi #words.

What is Finnish longest word?

Finnish has one of the world’s longest words The biggest compound word with a whopping 61 letters, is ‘lentokonesuihkuturbiinimoottoriapumekaanikkoaliupseerioppilas’, which translates as ‘airplane jet turbine engine auxiliary mechanic non-commissioned officer student’.

How do you answer kiitos?

The answer is Kiitos hyvää (I’m fine, thank you). Thank you is probably the most important word in every language. The Finnish word for thank you is Kiitos . The answer to Kiitos is either Ole hyvä (here you are) or Ei kestä (you’re welcome or no problem).

Does Finnish have a word for please?

Finnish has no ‘please’ But “please” just simply doesn’t exist in Finnish. This nonexistent word is why Finns can be considered rude at first take.

How do you insult someone in Finnish?

List of Finnish profanities

  1. helvetti.
  2. hitto, hiisi.
  3. huora.
  4. jumalauta.
  5. kikkeli.
  6. kusi.
  7. kyrpä
  8. mulkku.

Is Cheating common in Finland?

Finland 36% Just scraping into the top ten Finland has an interesting view when it comes to having an affair. A survey by found one in five married men had had affairs with at least ten women – seven times the rate among women.

Are Finns affectionate?

Don’t Make Public Displays of Affection Finns are not typically touchy-feely, so avoid public displays of emotion. In fact, touching, especially a hearty male-bonding slap on the back, can be perceived as patronizing.

What are some common Finnish words?

16 Phrases You Need to Know Before Visiting Finland Kiitos (Please/thank you) Hei hei (Hi/bye) Ei kesta (No problem) Olen kotoisin…sta (I am from…) Voinko saada…? (Can I have…?) Anteeksi (I’m sorry/Excuse me) Sisu (Guts) Jumalauta! (God dammit!) Kippis (Cheers) Olen hyvin (I am fine)

What are some basic Finnish phrases?

16 Phrases You Need to Know Before Visiting Finland Kiitos (Please/thank you) Puhutteko englantia? (Do you speak English?) Hei hei (Hi/bye) Mitä tama/tuo on? (What is this/that?) En ymmärrä (I don’t understand) Puhuisitteko hieman hitaammin? (Can you speak more slowly?) Ei kesta (No problem) Olen kotoisin…sta (I am from…) Voinko saada…? (Can I have…?) Anteeksi (I’m sorry/Excuse me)

How do you Say Yes in Finnish?

There are several words in Finnish that mean “yes”. The official word for yes is kyllä. In addition, you can say joo or juu in spoken language. You can reply to a question simply with “yes”, or make a longer reply.

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