
Does Illaoi counter Yasuo?

Does Illaoi counter Yasuo?

Illaoi is forced to battle against Yasuo in only 8.3% of her rounds. Unfortunately, Illaoi has done a below average job of beating Yasuo. Normally, she wins a acceptable 49.2% of the time the champs face one another in. In Illaoi versus Yasuo matches, Illaoi’s side is 0.1% less probable to obtain first blood.

Who hard counters Illaoi?

The best champions that counter Illaoi are Urgot, Tryndamere, Kayle, Heimerdinger and Lucian.

Who counters Yasuo the most?

Yasuo counter tips

  • Vladimir. 55.0% 5 026.
  • Anivia. 53.4% 3 141.
  • Annie. 52.8% 2 924.
  • Lissandra. 52.2% 3 463.
  • Galio. 52.1% 2 143.
  • Vex. 51.9% 8 665.
  • Kassadin. 51.9% 4 754.
  • Malzahar. 51.4% 3 396.

How do you beat Yasuo as Illaoi?

Best Yasuo Runes to Counter Illaoi To have the highest probability of beating Illaoi as Yasuo, Yasuo players should use the Fleet Footwork, Triumph, Legend: Alacrity, Last Stand, Taste of Blood, and Ravenous Hunter runes from the Precision and Domination rune sets.

Does Yone counter Illaoi?

This counter pairing is somewhat uncommon. Illaoi encounters Yone in only 5.7% of her matches. Illaoi does a decent job of beating Yone. On average, she wins a acceptable 51.9% of the time the champs face off with one another in.

What item is good against Illaoi?

Healing reduction items are effective into Illaoi, try to pick up Executional calling or Bramble west. Ignite will be effective vs Illaoi for the same reasons.

How do I shut down Yasuo?

Our Top Counter Tips To Beat Yasuo The champion’s mobility relies on units around so make sure you trade with him in between his E’s cooldowns or smaller waves. Always use auto attacks to destroy Yasuo’s shield before using your spells. One auto attack is enough to destroys the shield.

Does Viktor beat Yasuo?

Viktor has done a ok job of beating Yasuo. Typically, he wins a acceptable 50.4% of the time the champions clash against one another in. In Viktor versus Yasuo matches, Viktor’s team is 0.0% more probable to get first blood, implying that he probably will get first blood versus Yasuo.

Who wins Diana vs Yasuo?

Yasuo Middle vs Diana Jungle Build & Runes. Yasuo wins against Diana 55.11% of the time which is 4.34% higher against Diana than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Yasuo wins against Diana 3.26% more often than would be expected.

How often does illaoi have to counter Yasuo?

Illaoi has to counter Yasuo in 38.5% of her rounds. Illaoi has done a ok job of beating Yasuo. Typically, Illaoi wins a acceptable 50.0% of the time the champions clash against each other in. In Illaoi against Yasuo games, Illaoi’s team is 1.0% less probable to get first blood.

Which is the best runes to use on illaoi?

To have the highest probability of defeating Illaoi as Yasuo, Yasuo players should equip the Conqueror, Triumph, Legend: Alacrity, Coup de Grace, Sudden Impact, and Ravenous Hunter runes. Out of all the runes we have analyed for Yasuo vs Illaoi matchups, this order of runes yielded the greatest win rate.

Which is better, illaoi or Yasuo MOBA champion?

Yasuo normally has a slightly larger longest kill spree than his foe does. On average, Yasuo takes less damage than Illaoi. This commonly reflects different amounts of tankyness, but it can also indicate that the champ with higher health has less mobility and thus is not able to flee from further damage when engaged or poked.

Why does illaoi have a hard time chasing people?

Note that leaving tether range will still apply her tentacle spawner onto your champion! Illaoi has a hard time chasing people due to a lack of good gap-closers. Pick champions with high mobility or movementspeed. (this also helps avoiding tentacle attacks)

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