Common questions

Are minties good for dogs?

Are minties good for dogs?

Minties® have unique hardness, shape and texture to keep your dog’s teeth clean and healthy as he or she chews. The chewing action of Minties® Dental Treats also helps reduce plaque and tartar. Peppermint promotes minty fresh breath. Parsley contains enzymes that help break down odor-causing particles in the stomach.

Can minties for dogs cause diarrhea?

Within three hours of eating the Minties the dogs were vomiting and had diarrhea. Took a trip to the vet to get vomiting under control in one of the dogs. Vet confirmed that this product caused the upset.

Who makes minties dog treats?


Brand VetIQ
Breed Recommendation Small Breeds

Why do minties contain garlic?

These contain garlic, I thought garlic was toxic for dogs. When used in small amounts, garlic can help support the immune system and liver. It helps the cardiovascular system prevent blood clots, and reduces cholesterol/fat build up in the blood and heart.

Can a dog overdose on minties?

Mint is a common aromatic ingredient used in many products. In the form of an essential oil, it is extremely toxic to your dog.

What are minties for dogs?

Known as one of the best dog treats for teeth, Minties® have a triple action formula to clean teeth, freshen breath and help control plaque and tartar. As your dog chews Minties®, the chewing action helps clean the mouth and control plaque and tartar.

How much sugar is in minties?

3 Minties = 1 Portion. Contains no artificial colours so are great to share with family and friends. May contain Egg….Nutrition Information.

Nutrition Avg Qty Per Serving Avg Qty Per 100g
Carbohydrate Approx. 17.9g Approx. 89.6g
– sugars Approx. 10.9g Approx. 54.3g

Are CET chews safe for dogs?

My dogs love these and they are VOHC (veterinary oral health council) recommended! because they can fracture teeth, however, I recommend these to our clients with dogs that love to chew because these are rawhide looking, but very pliable and as the dogs chew them they are very soft.

Are Milk bones bad for dogs?

When fed as directed, Milk-Bone® Brushing Chews® are safe to feed dogs daily. We’re a company of pet lovers and there is nothing more important to us than the quality and safety of our products.

What’s the difference between Greenies and Minties dental treats?

Both Minties® and Greenies have a mechanical action to help clean the teeth and remove the plaque and tartar. Minties® do not contain wheat or grain and are easily digested. And last but not least, Minties® sell for just a fraction of the cost of Greenies I don’t normally do product reviews for food or treats but I decided to give these a shot.

Are there any wheat or grain in Minties?

Minties® do not contain wheat or grain and are easily digested. And last but not least, Minties® sell for just a fraction of the cost of Greenies. I don’t normally do product reviews for food or treats but I decided to give these a shot. Overall, I’ve been happy with Minties and most importantly so has Chuy.

Are there any Minties that are made in the USA?

Minties come in various sizes depending on the weight of your dog. Chuy eats the“tiny” size. Minties are made in the USA. I refuse to buy any treats from China after all the issues that have been reported.

What’s the difference between outminties and Greenies dog treats?

After BlogPaws, I had the opportunity to work with Vet IQ to try outMinties. Minties® contain five natural breath fresheners compared to the two for Greenies. These breath fresheners work in multiple ways to promote fresh breath for your dog.

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