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Why was aseanapol created?

Why was aseanapol created?

1.1. The ASEANAPOL Flag is a symbol of the organisation of the ASEAN Chiefs of National Police (ASEANAPOL) on the regional cooperation in the prevention and combating transnational crime. The spray of rice and cotton represent prosperity, friendship and solidarity of the ASEAN National Police. 1.4.

What is the main goal of aseanapol?

Endeavour to increase regional cooperation efforts against transnational crime.

What is aseanapol history?

The first formal meeting of the Chiefs of ASEAN Police was held in Manila, Philippines on the 21 to 23 October 1981. To discuss matters of law enforcement and crime control. This annual meeting was called ASEANAPOL Conference. 1984, Royal Brunei Police joined the conference for the 1st time.

What is the essence of aseanapol?

To mutually contribute and synergize policing resources and expertise to effectively thwart organised and emerging international criminal enterprises for a safer ASEAN Community.

When was Myanmar joined aseanapol?


Year Details
1998 – Brunei Laos and Myanmar joined ASEANAPOL
2000 – Yangon Cambodia became the 10th country to join ASEANAPOL
2005 – Bali The setting up of a working group to consider the viability of establishing a permanent ASEANAPOL Secretariat Silver Jubilee Commemoration of ASEANAPOL

Who are the leaders of aseanapol?

On 8 January 2020, the Inspector General of Royal Malaysia Police cum Host of the Permanent ASEANAPOL Secretariat, Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Abdul Hamid bin Bador, together with Chairman of ASEANAPOL, Police Senior Colonel Le Duc Tuyen and Commissioner of Police, Singapore Police Force, Hoong Wee Teck, graced the ceremony for …

What is the last country joined in aseanapol?


Year Details
1998 – Brunei Laos and Myanmar joined ASEANAPOL
2000 – Yangon Cambodia became the 10th country to join ASEANAPOL
2005 – Bali The setting up of a working group to consider the viability of establishing a permanent ASEANAPOL Secretariat Silver Jubilee Commemoration of ASEANAPOL

Who are the leader of aseanapol?

Colonel Le Duc Tuyen
The Office of Investigation Police Agency, Ministry of Public Security, Socialist Republic of Vietnam represented by Police Senior Colonel Le Duc Tuyen as the Current Chairman of ASEANAPOL, witnessed the appointment of Deputy Assistant Commissioner Jim Wee from Singapore Police Force as the new Executive Director …

What does aseanapol mean?

the Association of Southeast Asian Nations
ASEANAPOL is the National Police organisation for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

What are the activities of aseanapol?

The ASEANAPOL deals with the preventive, enforcement and operational aspects of cooperation against transnational crime. ASEANAPOL has been actively involved in sharing of knowledge and expertise on policing, enforcement, law, criminal justice, and transnational and international crimes.

Who is the member of aseanapol?

The 10 ASEANAPOL member countries are: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, The Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

How many countries are members of aseanapol?

10 ASEANAPOL member countries
The 10 ASEANAPOL member countries are: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, The Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

Is the Secretariat of ASEAN on a rotational basis?

The Secretariat of ASEANAPOL was on a rotational basis with member countries taking turns to host the ASEANAPOL Conference and automatically assume the role of the secretariat for the current year.

Where was the first ASEAN police meeting held?

The first formal meeting of the Chiefs of ASEAN Police was held in Manila, Philippines on the 21 to 23 October 1981. To discuss matters of law enforcement and crime control. This annual meeting was called ASEANAPOL Conference.

How does a country become a member of ASEAN?

To discuss matters of law enforcement and crime control. This annual meeting was called ASEANAPOL Conference. The basic requirement for a country to become a member of ASEANAPOL is that the country shall first be a member of ASEAN and the application shall be tabled at the conference for approval.

When was a brief history of time published?

“A Brief History of Time, published in 1988, was a landmark volume in science writing and in world-wide acclaim and popularity, with more than 9 million copies in print globally.

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