
Why is sodium thiosulfate used in titration?

Why is sodium thiosulfate used in titration?

3 (usually) as a reducing agent is known as iodometric titration since it is used specifically to titrate iodine. This absorption will cause the solution to change its colour from deep blue to light yellow when titrated with standardised thiosulfate solution. This indicates the end point of the titration.

Why we need to titrate immediately with thiosulphate?

In acid solution, prompt titration of the liberated iodine is necessary in order to prevent oxidation. Starch solutions that are no longer fresh or improperly prepared. The indicator will then not behave properly at the endpoint and a quantitative determination is not possible.

Which indicator is used in titration?

Phenolphthalein, a commonly used indicator in acid and base titration.

Does thiosulfate reduce iodine?

Sodium thiosulfate is used to reduce iodine back to iodide before the iodine can complex with the starch to form the characteristic blue-black color. Once all the thiosulfate is consumed the iodine may form a complex with the starch.

What is hypo solution in titration?

Response. Hypo solution is the abbreviation for sodium thio-sulphate or sodium hypo-sulfite, a chemical used to fix the image on photographic film after it has been developed.

What are the precautions taken during titration?

Hazards, risks and precautions

Hazard Possible harm Precaution
Dilute sodium hydroxide solution Causes skin and serious eye irritation Wear gloves and eye protection, and use a pipette filler
Spilling hydrochloric acid while filling the burette Causes eye irritation Fill the burette slowly below eye level, using a funnel

Which titrant is used in the titration of Cu?

Iodometric Determination of Copper in Brass. In acid solution practically all oxidizing agents will oxidize iodide ion to iodine quantitatively. The iodine formed in the reaction can then be titrated by means of a standard sodium thiosulfate solution.

Why nahco3 is added in iodometric titration?

Thiosulfate is unstable under acidic pH conditions, causing the thiosulfate to decompose into sulfur dioxide, elemental sulfur, and water. Sodium carbonate in solution is alkaline, and the abundance of hydroxide anions prevents the thiosulfate from encountering the positive charges that would trigger its decomposition.

How many types of indicators are there in titration?

Acid–base titration

Indicator Color on acidic side Range of color change (pH)
Methyl red Red 4.4–6.3
Litmus Red 5.0–8.0
Bromothymol blue Yellow 6.0–7.6
Phenolphthalein Colorless 8.3–10.0

How do you standardize sodium thiosulfate?

Standardization of sodium thiosulphate. Dissolve 0.125 g of accurately weighed potassium dichromate in 25 ml of water present in a 250 ml erlenmeyer flask. Add 10 ml of hydrochloric acid and 2 g of potassium iodide , stopper, shake and keep in dark for 15 min. Add 100 ml of water to the above mixture and titrate with sodium thiosulphate using starch…

What is the reaction between sodium thiosulfate and chlorine?

Sodium thiosulfate react with chlorine and water. Na 2S 2O 3 + Cl 2 + H 2O → S + 2HCl + Na 2SO 4. Sodium thiosulfate react with chlorine and water to produce sulfur, hydrogen chloride and sodium sulfate.

What is the preparation of sodium thiosulfate?

The laboratory preparation of the sodium thiosulfate salt involves the heating of aqueous sodium sulfite solutions along with sulfur. The production of Na2S2O3can also be accomplished by the boiling of aqueous NaOH (sodium hydroxide) with sulfur. The reaction for the method described above is given by

Is sodium thiosulphate an acid or a base?

Answer : Sodium thiosulfate ( Na2S2O3 ) is base What is an acid, base, neutral? ACID (wikipedia) An acid is a molecule or ion capable of donating a hydron (proton or hydrogen ion H+), or, alternatively, capable of forming a covalent bond with an electron pair (a Lewis acid). BASE (wikipedia)

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