Common questions

Why do you drop your right shoulder in golf?

Why do you drop your right shoulder in golf?

Dipping the right (rear) shoulder is an all-too-common flaw among amateur golfers. It simply means that when making the downswing, the player lowers his right shoulder excessively, usually causing the club to strike ground before ball.

Does a wider stance help in golf?

A stance just wider than your shoulders: Gives you a stable platform over which you can turn your upper body. Encourages your hips to stay level throughout the swing; the left hip is likely to drop when your stance is too narrow, causing mis-hit shots.

Why is one shoulder lower than the other?

Uneven shoulders can also happen when you have structural issues or muscular skeletal imbalances in the body. This may include legs that vary in length or scoliosis. Uneven shoulders can also be the result of an imbalance somewhere else in the body. Think of it as a domino effect.

How important is the shoulder turn in golf?

Turning your shoulders sufficiently in the backswing allows your arms to swing into the position required to swing the club on plane in the downswing and, therefore, on the proper path through impact. A great drill to help feel the proper shoulder turn is the “Line up the Clubs” drill.

What role does the right shoulder play in the golf swing?

To generate power in the golf swing, the shoulders must rotate. As the hips turn to trigger the swing, your upper body turns away from the target. As that happens, your right shoulder also turns and gets in a position to launch into the ball with force. This is how much of the power is applied during the golf shot.

What is the first move down in a golf swing?

A downward squat is a reference to the first move made at the start of the downswing. Most golfers turn the shoulders or hips at this point in the swing and attack the golf ball with the upper body.

How do the shoulders move in the golf swing?

The shoulders begin the backswing by turning away from the ball until the hands are at waist high. This movement is called a “one-piece takeaway” and, because the shoulders move so early in the backswing, the arms are able to remain straight without tensing up until the hands reach that waist-high position.

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