
Why do u want this job examples?

Why do u want this job examples?

These could include:Salary/compensation.Customer-facing activities.Variety of work.Being part of a team.Working for a company with a good reputation.Working for a company which is growing rapidly.Additional training opportunities.Opportunities for growth in 3 years.

How do I say I am overqualified for a job?

What to do when you’re told you’re overqualified for a jobDon’t tiptoe around it. In your cover letter, address your experience mismatch outright. Emphasize your longevity. Be flexible on salary. Tap your network. Sell the advantages. Tweak your resume.

Should I take a job I’m overqualified for?

According to some new research, it might not be so simple. A new study published in American Sociological Review says that taking a job that is “beneath you,” or that you’re overqualified for, can hurt you in the long run. Basically, you’re stunting your career growth by dipping down a level.

How do you respond to being overqualified?

For example, when he says, “You’re overqualified,” you can try one of these:”I can appreciate your concern. Can you share with me what makes you feel that way?””Oh, I’d hate to think you felt my experience would work against me. “Thank you for your honestly. “I”m so glad you shared your worries about my experience.

Why is being overqualified a problem?

Why Being Overqualified is a Problem If you’re overqualified, hiring managers may be concerned that you’ll get bored and leave for an opportunity that uses your full talents. They may also be concerned that you won’t be interested in doing the level of work the position entails.

Can you be rejected from a job for being overqualified?

Overqualified job seekers can even be rejected simply because the company thinks that the work will bore them. Job engagement is critical for productivity, so if an employer thinks you will be bored, you probably won’t get hired.

Are not you overqualified for this position best answer?

“My experience will be an asset to the company and will help me be successful in this position.” “I have the education and experience to fit in readily with the exceptional team here.” “I have experience and knowledge to bring to the challenges of this job.”

What’s the meaning of overqualified?

Overqualification is the state of being educated beyond what is necessary or requested by an employer for a position with the business. There can often be high costs for companies associated with training employees. Employers foresee costs related to hiring such “overqualified” candidates.

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