
Which is the best definition of the word irony?

Which is the best definition of the word irony?

Irony is a literary device or event in which how things seem to be is in fact very different from how they actually are. If this seems like a loose definition, don’t worry—it is. Irony is a broad term that encompasses three different types of irony, each with their own specific definition: verbal irony , dramatic irony, and situational irony.

Is the word irony synonymous with bad luck?

Irony is not synonymous with sarcasm, coincidence, or bad luck. While these concepts can have ironic characteristics, they’re not interchangeable. More on that later. Irony creates contrast between how things seem and how they really are beneath the surface.

How is the gift of the Magi an example of irony?

It is an example of situational irony when, in the O. Henry story ” The Gift of the Magi ,” a young wife cuts off her hair in order to buy her husband a chain for his prized watch, but the husband sells his watch to buy his wife a comb for her beautiful hair.

What’s the difference between irony, sarcasm and ridicule?

Irony differs from sarcasm in greater subtlety and wit. In sarcasm ridicule or mockery is used harshly, often crudely and contemptuously, for destructive purposes.

What’s the difference between irony, sarcasm and negativity?

Sarcasm, on the other hand, has a condescending tone meant to embarrass or insult someone. Therefore, the negativity in sarcasm is the clear difference. But, it’s not the only one. Break down irony vs. sarcasm to see the differences between them. What Is Irony? To remember irony, think opposite.

When does Jonathan Swift use the word irony?

The use of words to mean something very different from what they appear on the surface to mean. Jonathan Swift uses irony in “ A Modest Proposal ” when he suggests the eating of babies as a solution to overpopulation and starvation in Ireland.

What’s the difference between verbal irony and dramatic irony?

Types of Irony 1 Situational irony is a situation with the opposite outcome of what you’d expect. 2 Verbal irony is all about saying the opposite of what you mean. For example, saying ‘The weather is great’ during a tornado. 3 Dramatic irony is where the audience knows something the characters don’t.

What is the meaning of the word batik?

(Dyeing) ( as modifier ): a batik shirt. n. 1. a technique of hand-dyeing fabric using wax as a dye repellent to cover those parts of the fabric not to be dyed. 2. the design itself or a fabric so decorated. 3. to hand-dye (material) using batik.

How is irony used in Socratic and dramatic irony?

Socratic irony is a tool used in debating; dramatic irony is what happens when the audience realizes that Romeo and Juliet’s plans will go awry. The third, and debated, use of irony regards what’s called situational irony.

What does it mean to be a fursona?

A fursona (pl. fursonas, rarely furson / fursonae ), [citation needed] is a furspeech portmanteau derived from the terms furry and persona, that refers to a (normally furry ), character, persona, alter ego, avatar, or identity assumed by a person or player normally associated with the furry fandom .

What is the meaning of the word furry?

Words We’re Watching: ‘Furry’ and ‘Fursona’. A rising usage of furry refers to people who have a keen interest in, or even dress up as, anthropomorphic animal characters, like those often seen in comics, games, and cartoons. The personalized animal identity of a furry is known as their fursona, the portmanteau of furry and persona.

Which is an example of a situational irony?

When the truth contradicts an expected outcome, it’s situational irony — also known as “the irony of events.” Situational irony is closely related to the idea of cosmic irony, where the universe seemingly contrives an event for its own amusement. For example, when the “unsinkable” HMS Titanic met an untimely end on its maiden voyage.

What did the Sarafan mean in medieval times?

In documents from the 14th through 17th centuries the term sarafan also refers to a man’s outer garment. In pre-Petrine Rus’, the sarafan was worn by the boyars.

How is irony different from satire and sarcasm?

The distinctive quality of sarcasm is present in the spoken word and manifested chiefly by vocal inflection, whereas satire and irony, arising originally as literary and rhetorical forms, are exhibited in the organization or structuring of either language or literary material.

How does irony work as a literary device?

As a plot device, irony allows readers to re-evaluate their knowledge, expectations, and understanding. Therefore, writers can call attention to themes in their work while simultaneously catching their readers off-guard. As a literary device, irony does not only reveals unexpected events or plot twists.

What is the difference between irony and satire?

Besides the three main types of irony described above, two other literary devices—sarcasm and satire—share a lot in common with irony: is a bitter, cutting, or mocking taunt used to denigrate a particular person, place, or thing. Satire is a form of social or political critique.

How is irony used in situational and dramatic irony?

In situational irony, both the characters and the audience are fully unaware of the implications of the real situation. In dramatic irony, the characters are oblivious of the situation, but the audience is not.

Irony (from Ancient Greek εἰρωνεία eirōneía ‘dissimulation, feigned ignorance’), in its broadest sense, is a rhetorical device, literary technique, or event in which what on the surface appears to be the case or to be expected differs radically from what is actually the case.

Which is the best definition of the word multitudinous?

Definition of multitudinous. 1 : including a multitude of individuals : populous the multitudinous city. 2 : existing in a great multitude multitudinous opportunities.

Is the word irony synonymous with the word incongruous?

This sense, however, is not synonymous with “incongruous” but merely a definition of dramatic or situational irony. It is often included in definitions of irony not only that incongruity is present but also that the incongruity must reveal some aspect of human vanity or folly.

Which is an example of irony in Shakespeare?

In dramatic irony, the characters are oblivious of the situation, but the audience is not. For example, in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, we know well before the characters that they are going to die. In real life circumstances, irony may be comical, bitter, or sometimes unbearably offensive.

How is irony related to the idea of cosmic irony?

Situational irony is closely related to the idea of cosmic irony, where the universe seemingly contrives an event for its own amusement. For example, when the “unsinkable” HMS Titanic met an untimely end on its maiden voyage. To clarify: “the irony of events” is not the same as “coincidence” and “bad luck” (apologies to Alanis Morrisette).

What is the meaning of the term hyperstition?

Describing the effect of very real cultural anxieties about the future, hyperstitions refer to exponentially accelerating social transformations.

Which is an example of irony in Harry Potter?

This unexpected twist also comes with the ironic realization that Harry must sacrifice himself for Voldemort to die. So he willingly goes to meet Voldemort — and his own death. But when Voldemort uses the killing curse on Harry, it has the opposite of his desired effect.

How is irony used as a rhetorical device?

“Irony may be used as a rhetorical device to enforce one’s meaning. It may be used . . . as a satiric device to attack a point of view or to expose folly, hypocrisy, or vanity. It may be used as a heuristic device to lead one’s readers to see that things are not so simple or certain as they seem, or perhaps not so complex or doubtful as they seem.

What are the different types of verbal irony?

Also known as eironeia, illusio, and the dry mock . Three kinds of irony are commonly recognized: Verbal irony is a trope in which the intended meaning of a statement differs from the meaning that the words appear to express. Situational irony involves an incongruity between what is expected or intended and what actually occurs.

Who is the author of the book Irony?

Dr. Richard Nordquist is professor emeritus of rhetoric and English at Georgia Southern University and the author of several university-level grammar and composition textbooks. Irony is the use of words to convey the opposite of their literal meaning.

What are the beliefs of the Zaydi Islam?

Zaydi Islam. Zaidi beliefs are moderate compared to other Shia sects. The Zaidis do not believe in the infallibility of the Imams, nor that they receive divine guidance. Zaidis also do not believe that the Imamate must pass from father to son, but believe it can be held by any descendant of Ali.

Which is the center of Zaydism in the world?

Yemen’s north is the center of Zaydism. Zaydism is known for putting less importance on the position of the Imam, than among the Twelver (Iran), perhaps because the Zaydis have enjoyed far more political and religious freedom than the other.

Which is true of the structure of the replisome?

The net result is formation of two new double stranded DNA sequences that are exact copies of the original double stranded DNA sequence. In terms of structure, the replisome is composed of two replicative polymerase complexes, one of which synthesizes the leading strand, while the other synthesizes the lagging strand.

Which is the lagging strand in the replisome?

The lagging-strand gp5/trx remains associated with the replisome for the synthesis of one or two Okazaki fragments. The replisome is a multiprotein molecular machinery responsible for the replication of DNA.

Who was without a sense of irony and banter?

Lacking any sense of irony, Eldridge made campaign-finance reform a signature plank. This unreasoning, feminine obstinacy so wrought upon him that he permitted himself a smile and a lapse into irony and banter. Today her irony was concealed, but, like a carefully-covered fire, he knew it was burning still.

How is irony used in the Harry Potter series?

Situational irony is often present in many layers. Throughout the seventh book of the Harry Potter series, readers follow Harry on his quest to find and destroy Voldemort’s six horcruxes. At the end of the novel, we find out that there is a seventh horcrux: Harry.

What kind of irony is used in Greek tragedy?

Dramatic irony is a literary technique, originally used in Greek tragedy, by which the full significance of a character’s words or actions is clear to the audience or reader although unknown to the character. (Oxford Dictionary) Situational Irony. Situational irony is an event that occurs seemingly in mockery of the circumstances.

What does goniosynechia stand for in medical terms?

go·ni·o·sy·nech·i·a. Adhesion of the iris to the posterior surface of the cornea in the angle of the anterior chamber; associated with angle-closure glaucoma. goniosynechia. Adhesion of the iris to the cornea of the eye.

How are synechiae stripped in goniosynechialysis?

Once the anterior chamber has been filled with viscoelastic and the surgeon achieves clear, direct visualization of the angle, the synechiae are stripped one small segment at a time. The eye is rotated to reach as much of the angle as possible; if necessary, a second incision can be made.

What are the different specialized bodies of SAARC?

The different SAARC specialized bodies are given below: 1 SAARC Arbitration Council (SARCO) – Pakistan 2 SAARC Development Fund (SDF) – Bhutan 3 South Asian University (SAU) – India 4 South Asian Regional Standards Organization (SARSO) – Dhaka

When is irony the same as coincidence and bad luck?

Situational irony. When the truth contradicts an expected outcome, it’s situational irony — also known as “the irony of events.” Again, just to clarify, irony is not the same as “coincidence” and “bad luck.”. If you buy a new car and then accidentally drive it into a tree, that is both coincidence and bad luck.

How does irony depend on two story phenomenon?

First, irony depends on a double-layered or two-story phenomenon for success. “At the lower level is the situation either as it appears to the victim of irony (where there is a victim) or as it is deceptively presented by the ironist.” The upper level is the situation as it appears to the reader or the ironist.

Which is an example of irony in Greek tragedy?

You can also see this type of irony at play in Greek tragedies where the tragic hero is punished for their acts of hubris (excessive pride) — which was apparently the gravest sin in ancient Greece. Example: In Oedipus Rex, the title character is, unbeknownst to him, a foundling adopted by King Polybus.

Which is an example of irony in The Hobbit?

Dramatic Irony Example: The Hobbit. The Hobbit contains a perfect example of this when Bilbo happens upon the ring while lost in a mountain. He puts it in his pocket and soon after encounters Gollum. At this point, readers are aware of the significance of the ring and of its importance to Gollum.

[T]echnically, irony is a rhetorical device used to convey a meaning sharply different from or even opposite of the literal text. It’s not just saying one thing while meaning another–that’s what Bill Clinton does. No, it’s more like a wink or running joke among people in the know.

Which is the best definition of the word moodily?

adj. mood·i·er, mood·i·est. 1. Given to frequent changes of mood; temperamental. 2. Subject to periods of depression; sulky. 3. Expressive of a mood, especially a sullen or gloomy mood: a moody silence.

What’s the difference between irony and verbal sarcasm?

Irony is often mistaken for sarcasm. Sarcasm is actually a form of verbal irony, but sarcasm is intentionally insulting. When you say, “Oh, great” after your drink has spilled all over your expensive new clothes, you don’t actually mean that the incident is positive.

Which is the best definition of an arbuscular?

Definition of arbuscular. : of or relating to an arbuscule.

Which is an example of an ironic understatement?

As you might expect, an ironic understatement creates contrast by undermining the impact of something, though the thing itself will be rather substantial or severe. Example: In The Catcher in the Rye, Holden Caulfield casually says, “I have to have this operation.

Which is the best description of postmodern irony?

Contemporary Observations on Irony. Postmodern Irony Postmodern irony is allusive, multilayered, preemptive, cynical, and above all, nihilistic. It assumes that everything is subjective and nothing means what it says. It’s a sneering, world-weary, bad irony, a mentality that condemns before it can be condemned,…

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