Common questions

Where do I train pandaria alchemy?

Where do I train pandaria alchemy?

Trainers and Learning Recipes Ni Gentlepaw in Dawn’s Blossom is a new trainer that also sells alchemy supplies. Poisoncrafter Kil’zit is a member of the Klaxxi in Dread Wastes. Learning recipes is very different in Mists of Pandaria than in past expansions.

Where is alchemy trainer in Jade Forest?

town of Dawn’s Blossom
Ni Gentlepaw is a pandaren alchemy trainer and supplier in the town of Dawn’s Blossom in the Jade Forest.

How do I learn Legion in alchemy?

To learn Alchemy in Legion, talk to Deucus Valdera in the Alchemy building in Legion Dalaran and complete Get Your Mix On. With Legion Alchemist, your skill cap goes from 1-800 and you do not need to return to train higher ranks.

Where can I learn alchemy in Stormwind?

Lilyssia Nightbreeze is a night elf artisan alchemy trainer located in the Mage Quarter of Stormwind City.

Where is engineering trainer in Pandaria?

Nesingwary’s Safari Valley of the Four Winds
An engineering trainer is an NPC that offers engineers the opportunity to train and learn recipes….Engineering trainers.

Landmass Pandaria
Trainer Sally Fizzlefury
Location Nesingwary’s Safari
Valley of the Four Winds
Coordinates [16.0, 83.0]

Where do I learn Legion inscription?

To learn Inscription in Legion, talk to Professor Pallin in the Inscription building in Legion Dalaran and complete Sign This. With Legion Inscription, your skill goes from 1-800 and you do not need to return to train higher ranks.

Where can I buy potions in Stormwind?

Charys Yserian in Stormwind City. Dewin Shimmerdawn in Wetlands. Samor Festivus in Wetlands.

Where can I learn herbalism in Stormwind?

Tannysa is a night elf artisan herbalism trainer located in the Mage Quarter of Stormwind City. She offers training to those wishing to learn the art of herbalism and is one of the foremost herbalism trainers in the city.

How do I get draenor Archaeology?

Getting Started This requires Archaeology skill level 1. You can now access the three different types of digsites in Draenor. Click on the object links to see a map with rough digsite coordinates. Draenor Clans Archaeology Find is found in Frostfire, orcish parts of Shadowmoon Valley, and Gorgrond.

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