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When to use MySQL to dump the database?

When to use MySQL to dump the database?

For this reason, MySQL provides us with a facility to dump the database using mysqldump utility. This utility can only be used if your database is accessible and the select privilege on the tables of that database is assigned to you and the database is running.

How to backup and restore databases using the mysqldump command?

Similarly, if you want to generate the backup of all the databases, you must use –all-databases option in the mysqldump command. The following command will generate the backup of all databases within MySQL Server. mysqldump -u root -p –all-databases > C:[&MySQLBackup&]all_databases_20200424.sql See the following image:

What is the syntax of the mysqldump command?

Mysqldump Command Syntax. Before going into how to use the mysqldump command, let’s start by reviewing the basic syntax. The mysqldump utility expressions take the following form: mysqldump [options] > file.sql. options – The mysqldump options. file.sql – The dump (backup) file.

Where do I find the backup file in MySQL?

Open the backup location and double-click on the “ sakila_20200424.sql ” file. As you can see in the above image, the backup file contains the various T-SQL statements that can be used to re-create the objects. For example, you want to generate a backup of more than one database. You must add the —databases option in the mysqldump command.

Can You import MySQL dump into SQLite database?

If you don’t want a full fledged local mysql installation you could also import your mysql-dump into a sqlite database and (temporarily) work with this. For converting the mysql-dump you could use this

What is the dump viewer in jdmpview?

Dump viewer (jdmpview) The dump viewer is a command-line tool that allows you to examine the contents of system dumps produced from the OpenJ9 VM. The dump viewer allows you to view both Java™ and native information from the time the dump was produced. You can run the dump viewer on one platform to work with dumps from another platform.

What do you need to know about the dump viewer?

The dump viewer is a command-line tool that allows you to examine the contents of system dumps produced from the OpenJ9 VM. The dump viewer allows you to view both Java™ and native information from the time the dump was produced. You can run the dump viewer on one platform to work with dumps from another platform.

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