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What two factors affect enzymatic activity?

What two factors affect enzymatic activity?

Factors affecting enzyme activity

  • Temperature: Raising temperature generally speeds up a reaction, and lowering temperature slows down a reaction.
  • pH: Each enzyme has an optimum pH range.
  • Enzyme concentration: Increasing enzyme concentration will speed up the reaction, as long as there is substrate available to bind to.

What are 2 important abiotic factors that affect enzymatic activity?

Temperature, pH, enzyme and substrate concentrations, and the presence of activators and inhibitors are abiotic factors of enzyme activity. These factors either increase or decrease the rate of reaction. The optimal temperatures and pH that allow a faster rate for reactions to occur.

What are the 4 factors that affect enzymatic function?

Several factors affect the rate at which enzymatic reactions proceed – temperature, pH, enzyme concentration, substrate concentration, and the presence of any inhibitors or activators.

What is the dependent variable in the enzyme lab?

The dependent variable is the rate of the reaction. The independent variable is the concentration of enzyme, the concentration of the substrate, the temperature, and the addition of an inhibitor. Introduction: Enzymes are proteins that carry out chemical reactions.

Which of the following is not a factor that influences enzyme activity?

The correct answer: The factor which does NOT affect enzyme activity is d. Free Energy. The enzyme activity varies with the changing physical…

Which has a greater influence on activity of the enzyme the enzyme concentration or the substrate concentration?

Conclusions: The rate of a chemical reaction increases as the substrate concentration increases. Enzymes can greatly speed up the rate of a reaction….Variables:

dp/dt the rate of product formation (mol/cm3/sec)
S the substrate concentration (mol/cm3)
E the enzyme concentration (mol/cm3)

What influences enzyme activity lab?

Several factors affect the rate at which enzymatic reactions proceed – temperature, pH, enzyme concentration, substrate concentration, and the presence of any inhibitors or activators.

How the temperature influences the activity of the enzyme?

How Temperature Affects Enzymes. Higher temperatures tend to speed up the effect of enzyme activity, while lower temperatures decrease the rate of an enzyme reaction. At higher temperatures, more molecules collide, increasing the chance that an enzyme will collide with its substrate.

How does pH affect enzyme activity?

Enzymes are also sensitive to pH . Changing the pH of its surroundings will also change the shape of the active site of an enzyme. This contributes to the folding of the enzyme molecule, its shape, and the shape of the active site. Changing the pH will affect the charges on the amino acid molecules.

How does temperature affect the enzyme activity?

As with many chemical reactions, the rate of an enzyme-catalysed reaction increases as the temperature increases. As the temperature increases so does the rate of enzyme activity. An optimum activity is reached at the enzyme’s optimum temperature.

What 2 environmental conditions can affect the activity of an enzyme quizlet?

Terms in this set (6)

  • Temperature. As temperature increases, the reaction rate increases, but if the temperature passes the optimal range, the enzyme will stop functioning.
  • pH. Each enzyme has a specific pH.
  • Enzyme Concentration.
  • Substrate Concentration.
  • Presence of Inhibitors.
  • Presence of Activators.

What are the four factors that effect enzyme activity?

The four factors that affect the activity and reaction rate of an enzyme are temperature, pH, enzyme concentration and substrate concentration.

What are things regulate enzyme activity?

There are many factors that can regulate enzyme activity, including temperature, activators, pHlevels, and inhibitors . Temperature:That’s a good one. Proteinschange shape as temperatures change. Because so much of an enzyme’s activity is based on its shape, temperature changes can mess up the process and the enzyme won’t work.

What 2 environmental conditions can affect the activity of an enzyme?

Abstract Enzymes are proteins that lower the activation energy needed for chemical reactions. The two main environmental factors that can affect the enzyme’s activity are temperature and pH, and each enzyme works best at a particular temperature and pH.

What are the effects of various conditions on enzyme activity?

Factors affecting Enzyme Activity. The activity of an Enzyme is affected by its environmental conditions. Changing these alter the rate of reaction caused by the enzyme. In nature, organisms adjust the conditions of their enzymes to produce an Optimum rate of reaction, where necessary, or they may have enzymes which are adapted to function well in extreme conditions where they live. Temperature

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