Common questions

What qualifications do you need to be a holiday rep?

What qualifications do you need to be a holiday rep?

There are no set requirements to become a holiday rep but many tour operators are looking for four GCSEs (grade C or above) and experience working in customer care. You also need to be aged 18 plus (sometimes this can be 21 and over).

What is an overseas rep?

Overview. You can apply as a representative of an overseas business if you’re either: the sole representative of an overseas business planning to set up either a UK branch or wholly owned subsidiary. an employee of an overseas newspaper, news agency or broadcasting organisation posted on a long-term assignment to the …

What are the benefits of being a holiday rep?

However, by selling tours and excursions, holiday reps can earn a decent amount of commission, which can add a much needed salary boost. It’s also important to bear in mind that many holiday companies provide reps with free accommodation and meals. You may also get the opportunity to use company cars for personal use.

How do you become a rep?

How to Be a Good Sales Rep

  1. Identify your goals.
  2. Recognize that sales is a process.
  3. Identify business pains.
  4. Measure every step.
  5. Sell to the right people.
  6. Embrace team selling.
  7. Conduct call reviews.
  8. Shadow your peers.

How do I become a children’s holiday rep?

To be a children’s representative you must have a relevant childcare qualification, such as SVQ Social Services (Children and Young People) or Playwork at SCQF Levels 6 or 7; or an NC in Early Education and Childcare (Level 5).

How old do you have to be to be a rep?

No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen.

What do over 50s reps do?

Holiday Representative

  • Meeting guests as they arrive at the airport and taking them, often by coach, to their accommodation.
  • Holding welcome meetings soon after arrival to give out information on health and safety and departure details, and on things to do and see during their stay.

What are the skills and qualities needed for a resort rep?


  • communication skills (both oral and written)
  • an outgoing, confident and energetic personality.
  • stamina and enthusiasm.
  • presenting, listening and negotiation skills.
  • a commitment to high levels of customer service.
  • good business awareness and selling skills.
  • teamworking ability and leadership skills.

How long do holiday reps go away for?

Holiday representatives can be away from home for months at a time. Often, they work two seasons back-to-back before returning home for a break. It may be necessary to move resorts every season, so there may not be consistency with the location.

What does a over 50s rep do?

Holiday representatives look after guests at resorts, usually abroad, ensuring that their holidays are enjoyable and safe. They are also known as reps, resort representatives, overseas representatives, family representatives or customer service representatives.

How much do reps get paid?

Sales Representatives made a median salary of $59,930 in 2019. The best-paid 25 percent made $85,730 that year, while the lowest-paid 25 percent made $42,070.

What is a childrens rep?

A children’s representative is responsible for looking after groups of children (from babies to young teenagers), organising a varied programme of activities throughout the day, keeping them happy whilst in a safe environment. They are also called kids reps.

What is the overseas training program in Japan?

Overseas Training Program The Overseas Training is conducted by dispatching lecturers from Japan to overseas and is targeted at people ranging from leader and section leader levels to supervisors of local affiliates of Japanese companies.

How long is the reps advanced training course?

Topics covered include: For all newly elected reps, aspiring reps, or any reps who have not attended our Reps Foundation and Reps Advanced training. This course will give you a thorough grounding in what is entailed in being an effective workplace rep. The programme consists of six 90-minute online sessions.

Is the Rep exam based on approved body of knowledge?

The examination is based on an approved Body of Knowledge, which includes the main subject areas and the percentages of each included in the examination. The upcoming seminars are listed below. For a full listing of REP training options, visit the Training page. Contact training provider for credits earned.

Can you work abroad as a TUI holiday rep?

We have opportunities both employed locally in a specific destination, or search ‘flexible’ positions if you are looking to work abroad. In many TUI hotels we offer a dedicated face to face modern service also supporting the sales of trips & activities to an international range of guests.

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