
What is the meaning of being apologetic?

What is the meaning of being apologetic?

1 : feeling or showing regret : regretfully acknowledging fault or failure : expressing an apology They were apologetic about the error. We received an apologetic letter.

What is a ten penny word?

Tenpenny meaning Worth ten (esp. Brit.) pennies. adjective.

Is Apologeticness a word?

The quality of being apologetic.

What does Apolaustic mean?

devoted to enjoyment
: devoted to enjoyment a learned, apolaustic buffoon who loved good food— James Stern.

How do you use apologetic?

offering or expressing apology.

  1. The manager was very apologetic about everything.
  2. She was so apologetic about forgetting my birthday it was almost embarrassing.
  3. The hospital staff were very apologetic but that couldn’t really compensate.
  4. They were very apologetic about the trouble they’d caused.

What is a Tenpenny nail?

: a nail three inches (7.6 centimeters) long.

What does Phat mean slang?

slang. : highly attractive or gratifying : excellent a phat beat moving through my body— Tara Roberts.

What part of speech is apologetics?

APOLOGETIC (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

Is it bad to be apologetic?

Apologizing unnecessarily can actually undercut your professionalism by introducing doubt and diminishing others’ confidence in you. So, stop begging for forgiveness for the wonky chair in the conference room (unless it’s actually your job to get it fixed) or for the UPS guy being late.

What is the sentence of apologetic?

1. The manager was very apologetic about everything. 2. She was so apologetic about forgetting my birthday it was almost embarrassing.

Is being apologetic good?

Apologizing helps repair relationships by getting people talking again, and makes them feel comfortable with each other again. A sincere apology allows you to let people know you’re not proud of what you did, and won’t be repeating the behavior.

What does a 16 penny nail mean?

The “d” stands for penny, so 8d refers to an 8-penny nail, 16d to a 16-penny nail and so on. Some say a hundred 3-1/2 inch nails would have cost 16 pennies and thus became known as 16-penny nails. Others say that the number and the “d” indicate that one 16d (3-1/2 inch) hand-forged nail cost 16 pennies.

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