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What is the famous dance of Afghanistan?

What is the famous dance of Afghanistan?

Attan (Pashto: اتڼ‎) is a form of dance originating in what is now Afghanistan and is considered the national dance of the country today.

What is the dance of Afghanistan?

practice in Afghanistan The performance of the attan dance in the open air has long been a feature of Afghan life. It became the national dance of the Pashtun and then of the entire country.

What is the purpose of attan?

Attan historically originated as a war dance among the Pashtun tribes that now straddle Afghanistan and Pakistan. Today Attan is often performed at weddings and other celebrations. Some tribal communities still use it to mobilize members, youth in particular, against threats and attacks.

What is the most popular sport in Afghanistan?

Cricket is the most popular sport in Afghanistan and is one of the main sports that Afghans participate in and watch on television. In the national level, cricket matches are played between provinces, mainly between the south and eastern provinces of the country.

What is the attan When is this performed?

The Attan began as a folk dance conducted by Pashtuns in times of war or during weddings or other celebrations (engagements, new year, and informal gatherings). The performance of the attan dance has been a long customary in the Pashtun culture and is carried by Pashtuns mostly, and other ethnic groups as well.

How many wives can you have in Afghanistan?

The Republic of Afghanistan, which is an Islamic Republic under Sharia Law, allows for polygyny. Afghan men may take up to four wives, as Islam allows for such. A man must treat all of his wives equally; however, it has been reported that these regulations are rarely followed.

What is the famous dance in Afghanistan?

A long customary in the Pashtun culture, it is now considered the national dance of Afghanistan and is popularly carried by all ethnic groups in Afghanistan. Attan is a special type of dance performed by a troupe of 50 to 100 dancers who wave scarves in the air while musicians beat drums.

What is the National Dance of Afghanistan?

Attan ( Pashto : اتڼ ‎) is a form of dance that originated in Afghanistan. The Attan began as a folk dance conducted by Pashtuns in times of war or during weddings or other celebrations (engagements, new year, and informal gatherings). It is now considered the national dance of Afghanistan.

What does the name Afghani mean?

Afghani(Noun) A citizen or native of Afghanistan. From an Afghan point of view this name is wrongly being used for Afghans. After the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan millions of Afghans took refuge in neighboring Pakistan. The Pakistanis and the international aid agencies coined this word to speak of Pakistanis versus the Afghans.

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