
What is the competence motivation theory?

What is the competence motivation theory?

Competence motivation theory is a conceptual framework designed to explain individuals’ motivation to participate, persist, and work hard in any particular achievement context. The central thesis of the theory is that individuals are attracted to participation in activities at which they feel competent or capable.

What is Susan Harter theory?

Susan Harter’s latest book represents the culmination of years of theory and research on self-concept, which she defines as the perceptions that individuals have of themselves in particular domains (e.g., scholastic competence, behavioral conduct, social acceptance, athletic competence, and physical appearance).

What is competence Effectance theory?

Competence-Effectance Theory. Based on idea that the player needs to test their environment, solve problems, & gain a sense of mastery. Flow Principal. When a player’s skill equally matches the challenge of the game they experience flow.

Who came up with competence motivation theory?

Historical Overview. Most scholars identify Robert White’s classic paper on motivation reconsidered as the forerunner of competence motivation theory. In this 1959 publication, White coined the term effectance and defined it as a tendency to explore and influence one’s environment.

What is competence motivation and example?

This is competence motivation, and it spans all of life. People are motivated by base drives, but they are more motivated by the desire to be a success at something. For instance, if an engineer wants to prove her competence, she might seek out projects that match her skill set.

What is competency theory?

Competence motivation is a theory that centers on the idea that people are driven to engage in activities to develop or demonstrate their skills. High perceptions of competence and control create feelings of pleasure that maintain or lead to an increase in competence motivation.

What is the Harter self-Perception Profile?

The Self-Perception Profile for Children (SPPC) is a self-report magnitude estimation scale that measures a school-age child’s sense of general self-worth and self-competence in the domain of academic skills (Harter 1982, 1985).

What is leisure and examples?

Leisure is defined as freedom from work, school or other responsibilities and tasks. An example of leisure is the time after work has ended and all errands for the day have been run. An example of leisure is hours where no work is required. An example of leisure is a comfortable sweatsuit.

What is an example of competence motivation?

People are motivated by base drives, but they are more motivated by the desire to be a success at something. For instance, if an engineer wants to prove her competence, she might seek out projects that match her skill set. She may seek more education so that she has a better idea of design properties.

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