Common questions

What is the best sound to call in a turkey?

What is the best sound to call in a turkey?

A fly-down cackle is good call to tell a gobbler that a hen is on the ground. However, a fly-down cackle often works best if the gobbler is already on the ground before you call. Otherwise, the tom may stay on the roost; waiting for what he thinks is a hen turkey to come to him before he flies down.

What is the most realistic turkey call?

Best Turkey Calls – 10 Highly Effective Box & Pot Calls

  • Lynch Fool Proof Turkey Box Call.
  • WoodHaven Cherry Real Hen Turkey Call.
  • WoodHaven Cherry Classic Friction Turkey Call.
  • Primos Ol’ Betsy Slate Call.
  • HS Strut Smokin’ Gun Turkey Box Call.
  • Primos Hook-Up Magnetic Box Call.
  • Lynch Jet Slate Turkey Call.

Do Jakes gobble?

Yes Jakes do strut and gobble. This time of year most of the mature toms are with hens and your jakes are on the prowl.

What time do turkeys come off the roost?

In my view, the best times of the day are right off the roost, then again from about 8:30 to 9:30 when more hens start to leave the gobbler to go lay an egg, and again from about 11 until noon. It’s somewhat obvious why gobblers respond off the roost; it’s a new day and they’re not necessarily with hens yet.

When should I start calling turkeys in the morning?

When To Call A Gobbler In my view, the best times of the day are right off the roost, then again from about 8:30 to 9:30 when more hens start to leave the gobbler to go lay an egg, and again from about 11 until noon.

How far can a turkey hear?

In a big field they will hear you from 400 yards. It sounds like you know where they are and where they are going.

Can you call a turkey too much?

Likewise, in the turkey woods, if a gobbler responds to every calling sequence and moves toward your setup, you can call a lot to him. You’ll keep him fired up, and he’ll let you know where he’s at with every gobble.

What kind of sound does a turkey make?

The cluck and purr is a cluck followed by a rolling, almost staccato call. It is often associated with flock talk or the feeling of contentment. Typically not a loud call, though sometimes it can be amplified, it is good for reassuring turkeys as they get close to your position. Loud, sharp clucks that are often mixed with yelping.

What does it mean when a Turkey makes a loud Yelp?

Similar sounds and notes as a plain yelp but much more excited, rapid and with more volume. This is not a sign of alarm, but indicates that a turkey is worked up about something. If a gobbler is henned up, you might be able to bring him to you by picking a fight with the dominate hen in the flock.

What does a crow call sound like to a Turkey?

The crow call is made up of several harsh notes that sound like “caw.” This call is a good locator call to get a tom to shock gobble any time other than sunrise and sunset. Keep your crow call short, as a long crow call might drown out the sound of a turkey gobbling.

What kind of call does a turkey make?

Purring is a soft, rolling call turkeys make when content. It is a low vocal communication designed to keep the turkeys in touch and often is made by feeding birds. This is not a loud call, but is good for reassuring turkeys as they get close to your position.

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