Common questions

What is source code programming?

What is source code programming?

Source code is generally understood to mean programming statements that are created by a programmer with a text editor or a visual programming tool and then saved in a file. The object code file contains a sequence of machine-readable instructions that is processed by the CPU in a computer.

What is a source code in Python?

Source code refers to high level code or assembly code which is generated by human/programmer. In simple we can say source code is a set of instructions/commands and statements which is written by a programmer by using a computer programming language like C, C++, Java, Python, Assembly language etc. …

What form does a source program take before it is compiled?

Programmers write programs in a form called source code. Source code must go through several steps before it becomes an executable program. The first step is to pass the source code through a compiler, which translates the high-level language instructions into object code.

What is Source program and Object program?

The main difference between source program and object program is that a source program is a collection of instructions written using a programming language, while an object program is an output generated after compiling the source program. A program is a set of instructions that directs the computer to perform a task.

What is website source code?

The source code is a computer program which is converted into a machine language that is read by a machine and compiled in image and function. The HTML code of a website is also called source code. Source code optimization is therefore part of technical SEO.

How do you find the source code?

View source code only To view only the source code, press Ctrl + U on your computer’s keyboard. Right-click a blank part of the web page and select View page source from the pop-up menu that appears.

What is the difference between source program and object program?

The key difference between Source Program and Object Program is that Source program is a human-readable program written by a programmer while object program is a machine executable program created by compiling a source program. Source programs can be either compiled or interpreted for execution.

How do you make a program from source code?

When source code is compiled, it is turned into an actual program (machine code) through a series of steps:

  1. Source code is turned into object code by a compiler. Object code is the machine code that is actually executed by the computer.
  2. Object code is passed through a linker.

What does compiling source code mean?

Compiling is the transformation from Source Code (human readable) into machine code (computer executable). A compiler takes the recipe (code) for a new program (written in a high level language) and transforms this Code into a new language (Machine Language) that can be understood by the computer itself.

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