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What is r on Ontario report card?

What is r on Ontario report card?

extensive remediation
An “R” means extensive remediation is needed since the required skills and knowledge of the subject have not been met. It is important to work with your child’s teacher to develop strategies to support your child in gaining the required knowledge and skills.

What does M and P mean on a report card?

M = the student has met the grade level standard(s) P = the student has partially met the grade level standard(s)

What does C mean in report card?

Although a C is supposed to mean “average,” it represents less-than-average achievement when it’s the lowest grade a teacher feels comfortable giving. By switching to a number system, some teachers say they feel free to give kids the grades they’ve earned.

What does M mean on a report card?

“M” means the student has mastered the benchmark skill (usually demonstrated by a score of 90-plus on a project or test). “I” means the student needs to work more until they master the skill. It turns a school into a skill-construction zone.

What does D mean in report card?

The Letter Lineup Prior to that, schools usually describe progress with a scale such as D for developing, E for expanding, S for satisfactory, and N for needs improvement. The kindergarten report card can be likened to a checklist of skills crucial for early learning.

What does an R grade stand for?

What does it mean? The NC (NC) and R (Repeat) grades are non-penalty grades assigned to specific college courses in Grading System I. If you received either an NC or an R grade, the bad news is that you are required to repeat the course in order to receive credit for it.

What does DP mean on a report card?

The standards based grades of ME = Meets with Excellence, MP = Meets with Proficiency, DP = Developing Proficiency, and WB = Well Below Proficiency are used for the report card only, and not for student performance.

What is AP in report card?

AP stands for “Advanced Placement”. The name implies that junior high school students take college course work while still in high school to prepare them for college studies. The College board decides the AP courses and prepares an exam every year (May) to evaluates the students after passing through the studies.

What is a grade of B?

Letter Grades. A+, A, A- indicates excellent performance. B+, B, B- indicates good performance. C+, C, C- indicates satisfactory performance. D+, D, D- indicates less than satisfactory performance.

What does FF mean on report card?

FF – Failed (did not take the final exam)

What does M4 mean on a report card?

The check marks below the M1, M2, M3 and M4 columns are for the marking periods that are missing a mark. Typically the report is run for only the current marking period. Teachers have an option to View Missing Marks on the Standards Based Grades page.

What are the payment modifiers for a claim?

When selecting the appropriate modifier to report on your claim, please ensure that it is valid for the date of service billed. If more than one modifier is needed, list the payment modifiers—those that affect reimbursement directly—first. Payment modifiers include: 22, 26, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 58, 78, 79, AA, AD, TC, QK, QW, and QY.

How are modifiers used in a business description?

Modifiers. They are used to add information or change the description of service in order to improve accuracy or specificity. Modifiers can be alphabetic, numeric or a combination of both, but will always be two digits. Some modifiers cause automated pricing changes, while others are used for information only.

How does high school report card work in Ontario?

High schools across Ontario send home report cards in the same format that give clear information about how a student is doing. All high school students receive a provincial report card that lists courses, percentage marks for each course, credit earned, learning skills and work habits, comments, missed classes and times late.

What are the modifiers for severe systemic disease?

Modifier P2- A patient with mild systemic disease. Modifier P3 – A patient with severe systemic disease. Modifier P4 – A patient with severe systemic disease that is a constant threat of life. Modifier P5 – A dying state patient who is not expected to survive without operation.

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