
What is my Chinese zodiac if I was born in 1980?

What is my Chinese zodiac if I was born in 1980?

THE METAL Monkey is an element of the Chinese zodiac animal given to those born in 1980 and 2040. Those born in 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016 are all part of the Monkey category in the Chinese zodiac.

What kind of monkey is 1980?

Years of the Monkey and Five Elements

Monkey Year Lunar Zodiac Year Element and Sign
1944 Jan. 24, 1944 – Feb. 12, 1945 Wood Monkey
1956 Feb. 12, 1956 – Jan. 30, 1957 Fire Monkey
1968 Jan. 30, 1968 – Feb. 16, 1969 Earth Monkey
1980 Feb. 16, 1980 – Feb.4, 1981 Gold Monkey

What is the zodiac animal for February 5th?

Chinese Lunar New Year – Calendar and Zodiac Animals

If you were born on or between these dates you are: Zodiac Animal and Characteristic
2019 February 5 2020 January 24 Pig
2018 February 16 2019 February 4 Dog
2017 January 28 2018 February 15 Rooster
2016 February 8 2017 January 27 Monkey

What is a goats personality?

What are the personality traits of the Goat? Goats put others before themselves, they are loving and selfless, even if it means working against their own interest. They can persevere through any difficulty and they are strong and resilient. You shouldn’t take the Goat’s kindness for weakness, though.

Which Chinese animals are compatible?

Chinese Zodiac Compatibility Chart

Animal Sign Best Match Worst Match
Tiger Dragon, Horse, Pig Ox, Tiger, Snake, Monkey
Rabbit Sheep, Monkey, Dog, Pig Snake, Rooster
Dragon Rooster, Rat, Monkey Ox, Sheep, Dog
Snake Dragon, Rooster Tiger, Rabbit, Snake, Sheep, Pig

Is the year 1980 in the Chinese zodiac?

Chinese Zodiac App According to Chinese zodiac, 1980 is the year of the Monkey, and it belongs to the Metal element based on Chinese Five Elements. Therefore, the people born in this year is the Metal Monkey.

Is the year 1980 the year of the monkey?

Home / Chinese Culture / Zodiac / Monkey /. According to Chinese zodiac, 1980 is the year of the Monkey, and it belongs to the Metal element based on Chinese Five Elements. Therefore, the people born in this year is the Metal Monkey.

What are the years of the Chinese zodiac?

Chinese Zodiac Ox Years Chart Year Date Chinese Zodiac Year 1973 Feb. 03, 1973 – Jan. 22, 1974 Water Ox 1985 Feb. 20, 1985 – Feb. 08, 1986 Wood Ox 1997 Feb. 07, 1997 – Jan. 27, 1998 Fire Ox 2009 Jan. 26, 2009 – Feb. 13, 2010 Earth Ox

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