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What is MCHM chemical used for?

What is MCHM chemical used for?

MCHM is used in washing coal, helping separate the burnable fossil fuel from the unburnable rock and dirt and other impurities. In the taxonomy of chemistry, it’s an alcohol, which means a molecule with a hydrogen atom and an oxygen atom bound to one of its carbon atoms.

What is 4 Methylcyclohexanemethanol used in?

Crude 4-methylcyclohexanemethanol (MCHM) is an industrial solvent used to clean coal.

What is 4 methylcyclohexane?

4-METHYLCYCLOHEXENE. 4-Methyl-1-cyclohexene.

What is MCHM in water?

MCHM was the largest component of a mixture of chemicals that leaked from a corroded commercial storage tank upstream of the water supply for some 300,000 people. At the time of the spill, little was known about MCHM, an alicyclic alcohol used to process coal.

How do you make methylcyclohexane?

It can be also produced by hydrogenation of toluene: CH3C6H5 + 3 H2 → CH3C6H. Methylcyclohexane, as a component of a mixture, is usually dehydrogenated to toluene, which increases the octane rating of gasoline.

What is the chemical name for baking soda?

Chemically known as sodium bicarbonate, baking soda is a type of salt that’s made by mixing carbon, sodium, hydrogen and oxygen molecules. It’s used to chemically leaven doughs and batters when it is mixed with an acid.

Is the smell of MCHM toxic to humans?

It is a colorless liquid that smells like mint or licorice. It is toxic to animals and humans, if it is breathed, swallowed, or allowed to come into contact with skin. MCHM was first prepared by reducing the corresponding diester.

What does MCHM smell like in drinking water?

4-methylcyclohexanemethanol (MCHM) is a chemical used to process coal. MCHM does not explode or catch fire. As a class of organic alcohols, it has an obvious odor and is reported to smell like licorice. What is the acceptable level of MCHM in drinking water?

What are the effects of 400 mg of MCHM?

In this study, the administration of 400 mg/kg/day for 4 weeks was associated with erythropoietic, kidney, and liver effects, including increased liver weight, inflammation, and kidney tubular degeneration. The study determined that the No Observed Effect Level was 100 mg/kg/day.

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