
What is included in a logic model?

What is included in a logic model?

A logic model is a graphic depiction (road map) that presents the shared relationships among the resources, activities, outputs, outcomes, and impact for your program. It depicts the relationship between your program’s activities and its intended effects.

What is simple logic model?

The Logic Model is a simple and widespread form of illustrating a results model. It depicts how a project is to function in the form of a linear chain of cause and effect. The illustration does usually not include external factors.

Is PDSA a logic model?

Quality improvement (QI) and evaluation are frequently considered to be alternative approaches for monitoring and assessing program implementation and impact.

How long should logic models be?

The logic model should be of a size that readers can easily study the model without extensive reference and cross-comparisons between pages. Ideally, the logic model is one or at most two pages long.

What is a project logic model?

A logic model is a graphic or visual depiction that summarizes key elements of a TOC, and it is often used as a facilitation tool during the design process. The project logic model and its associated TOC are included in the Project Appraisal Document (PAD) that approves a project design (see ADS 201.3.

What are goals in a logic model?

Goals serve as a framework for all other components of a logic model. Goals are what we want to achieve whereas objectives are the steps we need to take to achieve those goals. All logic model components should be connected to your goal.

What are activities in a logic model?

Activities are the processes, tools, events, and actions that are used to bring about a program’s intended changes or results. Outputs are the direct products of a program’s activities and may include types, levels and targets of services to be delivered by the program. Forward logic uses “if-then” statements.

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