
What is bilateral vestibular dysfunction?

What is bilateral vestibular dysfunction?

Bilateral vestibular dysfunction (BVD) refers to hypofunction of the vestibular nerves or labyrinths on both sides. Patients with BVD present with dizziness, oscillopsia, and unsteadiness, mostly during locomotion, which worsen in darkness or on uneven ground.

What causes vestibular ocular reflex dysfunction?

The three most common causes are multiple sclerosis, brainstem ischaemia, and Whipple’s disease. In patients with multiple sclerosis APN has a frequency of 3–6Hz and is often associated with other central ocular motor disorders such as internuclear ophthalmoplegia or upbeat nystagmus.

Is vestibular disorder a disability?

The Social Security Administration (SSA) recognizes vestibular balance disorder as a disability that in some cases qualifies for benefits. Vertigo usually must be accompanied by some amount of hearing loss to be considered disabling.

How do you fix a vestibular ocular reflex?

Vestibular Ocular Reflex (VOR) Exercise/ Gaze Stabilisation Exercise. A simple exercise can allow the eye, inner ear and brain to recalibrate after damage to the inner ear. To do this exercise you will need to sit facing a blank wall and hold out your thumb straight in front of you (figure 1).

How is vestibular ocular reflex treated?

In addition to habituation exercises, vestibular rehabilitation patients are given eye exercises to retrain the vestibular ocular reflex, an adjustment controlled by the inner ear that ensures the eye keep the field of vision steady while the person is in motion.

Does vestibular disorder go away?

Most of the time, labyrinthitis and vestibular neuritis go away on their own. This normally takes several weeks. If the cause is a bacterial infection, your doctor will give you antibiotics. But most cases are caused by viral infections, which can’t be cured with antibiotics.

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