
What is a good life Aristotle?

What is a good life Aristotle?

Aristotle argues that what separates human beings from the other animals is the human reason. So the good life is one in which a person cultivates and exercises their rational faculties by, for instance, engaging in scientific inquiry, philosophical discussion, artistic creation, or legislation.

What are the 10 golden rules?

10 Golden Rules to Live By1 – Do unto others as you want others to do to you. 2 – Treasure your body for it is the vessel that guides you through your life. 3 – Be honest and always tell the truth. 4 – Success requires hard work, persistence and a little creativity. 5 – Make a difference to a least one other person’s life.

What is the golden rule in life?

The Golden Rule is the principle of treating others as you want to be treated. It is a maxim that is found in most religions and cultures. It can be considered an ethic of reciprocity in some religions, although different religions treat it differently.

Why is the golden rule so important?

The golden rule is a moral principle which denotes that you should treat others the way you want to be treated yourself. For example, the golden rule suggests that if you would like people to treat you with respect, then you should make sure to treat them with respect too.

What philosopher said the Golden Rule?

More, Confucius himself made the golden rule an unrivaled centerpiece of his philosophy of life (The Analects, 1962).

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