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What is a good daily budget for Europe?

What is a good daily budget for Europe?

AU$100 to AU$150 per person, per day. This will cover sightseeing, food and drinks, shopping and other nitty-gritties. But of course, there are heaps of ways to cut down on this cost – or add to it – to create your preferred budget.

Is traveling to Europe expensive?

When traveling in Europe, the strong euro and high exchange rate means it is generally more expensive to travel in Europe than in the United States. But keep in mind that travel prices vary based on type of accommodation and transportation. With planning and research, you can travel in Europe on any budget.

Where to go backpacking for 3 months in Europe?

3 Months in Europe Travel Idea #1 – Greece Backpacking Greece either as a primary or secondary travel option is a great experience. This is a fine itinerary if you don’t have a tight time schedule, and want to get off the grid. This area has amazing beaches and culture, but the ferries can be irregular.

Is it worth it to backpack through Europe?

Having three months or more to backpack thru Europe is an awesome experience. You can move at your own pace, take the time to enjoy the places you love, maybe learn a bit of a new language, make some solid friendships, and really gain the essence of what life in Europe is all about. For a 3 month Europe backpacking route, the sky is the limit.

Which is the best continent to backpack in?

A journey backpacking Europe is one of the best adventures any aspiring traveler can experience. The European continent is packed with fairy-tales villages, cobblestone streets, stunning national parks, ultra-cool cities, fascinating history, delicious food, and friendly people.

Where can I go on a budget in Europe?

For example, you could definitely visit Barcelona, Paris, Amsterdam, and London in two weeks – it would just require you to be on the go all of the time and may also batter the shit out of your budget.

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