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What happens if you remove an entire toenail?

What happens if you remove an entire toenail?

A doctor may decide to remove the entire toenail. Removing the whole nail makes it more likely that the nail will grow back misshapen or deformed, which can increase the risk of future ingrown toenails. It can take up to 18 months for the nail to regrow fully. This procedure is also called complete nail plate avulsion.

Should I go to the doctor for a ripped off toenail?

If you aren’t comfortable tending to the nail yourself or think the damage is serious, call your doctor or a podiatrist. Go to an urgent care center or emergency room when: The tear is too far down for you to trim. The base or sides of the nail are pulling away or already detached from the nail bed or nail folds.

What to do if toenail gets ripped off?

Trim off the detached part of a large tear, or leave the nail alone.

  1. Cover the nail with tape or an adhesive bandage until the nail has grown out enough to protect the finger or toe.
  2. If you trim off the detached nail, you will have less worry about the nail catching and tearing.

How long does a ripped off toenail hurt?

You may have some swelling, colour changes, and bloody crusting on or around the wound for 2 or 3 days. This is normal. Taking good care of your wound at home will help it heal quickly and reduce your chance of infection. The wound should heal within a few weeks.

What do you do when your nail is half ripped off?

Use scissors to remove the detached part of the nail if the nail is partly attached. Soak your finger or toe in cold water for 20 minutes after trimming the nail. Apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly, such as Vaseline, and cover the area with a non-stick bandage.

Will nail grow back if ripped off?

After a nail separates from the nail bed for whatever reason, it will not reattach. A new nail will have to grow back in its place. Nails grow back slowly. It takes about 6 months for a fingernail and up to 18 months for a toenail to grow back.

Should I see a doctor if my toenail falls off?

What happens if you lose a toenail?

If you lose your nail, it will take about 7 to 10 days for the nail bed to heal. A new fingernail will take about 4 to 6 months to grow to replace the lost nail. Toenails take about 12 months to grow back. The new nail will probably have grooves or ridges and be somewhat misshapen.

What to do if toenail falls off?

Clean your toe, making sure you remove any debris, and apply an antibiotic ointment. Cover the area where your toenail fell off with a bandage. Seek immediate treatment if your entire toenail falls off or the area around your toenail won’t stop bleeding.

How do you take care of ingrown toenail after removal?

Typically you would need to soak your foot in epsom salt soaks and apply an antibiotic ointment or cream. Often foot specialists will prescribe amerigel to apply to the area after an ingrown toenail removal. You need to keep a bandage on the toe until your next follow up visit with the doctor.

When to seek treatment for toenail trauma?

If there is blunt trauma to the toenail. For example, if a heavy object has been dropped on the toe, it is best to seek treatment to rule out a fracture and treat any wound beneath the nail bed. If toenail trauma leads to severe swelling, pain, or redness of the toe.


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