Common questions

What are three conditions that can be tested for with a urinalysis?

What are three conditions that can be tested for with a urinalysis?

The urinalysis is a set of screening tests that can detect some common diseases. It may be used to screen for and/or help diagnose conditions such as a urinary tract infections, kidney disorders, liver problems, diabetes or other metabolic conditions, to name a few.

What can cause detectable hematuria in a urinalysis?

The causes of hematuria include vigorous exercise and sexual activity, among others. More serious causes of hematuria include kidney or bladder cancer; inflammation of the kidney, urethra, bladder, or prostate; and polycystic kidney disease, among other causes.

What does blood in urine test indicate?

Most causes of blood in your urine are not serious, But sometimes red or white blood cells in your urine can mean that you have a medical condition that needs treatment, such as a kidney disease, urinary tract infection, or liver disease.

What does it mean if you test positive for leukocytes in your urine?

If your doctor tests your urine and finds too many leukocytes, it could be a sign of infection. Leukocytes are white blood cells that help your body fight germs. When you have more of these than usual in your urine, it’s often a sign of a problem somewhere in your urinary tract.

What are the diseases that can be detected through the examination of urine?

Diagnosing medical conditions: urinary tract infections, kidney stones, uncontrolled diabetes (high blood sugars), kidney impairment, muscle breakdown (rhabdomyolysis), protein in urine (proteinuria), drug screening, and kidney inflammation (glomerulonephritis).

Can hematuria be caused by stress?

We suggest that the breakdown of the mucosal pro- tective defences is a potential mechanism linking anxiety to haematuria. As an adaptation to stress, the blood is shunted away from the viscera and skin, thereby preserving perfusion to the vital organs.

Is it possible to test for microscopic hematuria?

Therefore, a positive finding of microscopic hematuria on urinary dipstick testing requires follow-up examination by microscopic technique to confirm the presence of red blood cells. Screening asymptomatic patients for microscopic hematuria generally is not recommended.

What does it mean to have hematuria in urine?

Gross hematuria is visible blood in the urine. Microscopic hematuria refers to the detection of blood on urinalysis or urine microscopy. Hematuria can be intermittent or persistent. Hematuria is defined as the presence of at least 5 red blood cells/HPF in 3 of 3 consecutive centrifuged specimens obtained at least 7 days apart.

When to use a urine dipstick for microscopic hematuria?

The urine dipstick may reveal blood as well as the leukocyte esterase, nitrites, and bacteria consistent with the patient’s symptoms. In such cases, treatment with antibiotics should lead to resolution of microscopic hematuria as demonstrated by follow-up urine studies six weeks after therapy.

How are three tube tests used to diagnose bleeding?

A three-tube test may help locate the source of bleeding in selected cases. This test involves the collection and comparative evaluation of three different specimens of roughly equal volume: the first few mL; a midstream sample; and the last few mL.

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