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What are the 6 trig functions?

What are the 6 trig functions?

There are six functions of an angle commonly used in trigonometry. Their names and abbreviations are sine (sin), cosine (cos), tangent (tan), cotangent (cot), secant (sec), and cosecant (csc).

What is triangle algebra?

A triangle is composed of three line segments. The sum of the measures of the angles is always 180° in a triangle. We have different types of triangles. A triangle is classified by its angles and by the number of congruent sides. A triangle that has three acute angels is called an acute triangle.

How many different triangle formulas are there?

The four types of triangles are: Right Angled Triangle- (angle is of 90 degrees). Isosceles Triangle- (two sides are equal.). Equilateral Triangle-(all the three sides are equal and each angle is of 60°)

What does triangle ABC mean?

As you know, when a triangle’s name is derived from the letters given to either its angles or sides (ex. triangle ABC). This means that side CA, for example, corresponds to side FD; it also means that angle BC, that angle included in sides B and C, corresponds to angle EF.

How to do a three column algebraic calculation?

= 1 1 a + 1 b = ab \ 1 a + 1 b \ ab = ab ab a = ab b+ a : Three Column Calculations. An algebraic calculation often involves substituting expressions for letters in general laws. To avoid making mistakes it is advisable to arrange the computation neatly and use equal signs between quantities which you assert are equal.

How to solve quadratic equations in college algebra?

1 Find two numbers whose product equals c and whose sum equals b. 2 Use those numbers to write two factors of the form (x+k) or (x−k) ( x + k) or ( x − k), where k is one of the numbers found in step 1. Use the numbers 3 Solve using the zero-product property by setting each factor equal to zero and solving for the variable.

What is the relationship between the sides of a right triangle?

It is based on a right triangle and states the relationship among the lengths of the sides as a2 +b2 = c2 a 2 + b 2 = c 2, where a a and b b refer to the legs of a right triangle adjacent to the 90∘ 90 ∘ angle, and c c refers to the hypotenuse.

Where does the word trigonometry come from in math?

The word “Trigonometry” comes from the Greek “trigonon” (meaning triangle) and “metron” (meaning measure).   So, simply put, Trigonometry is the study of the measures of triangles.   This includes the lengths of the sides, the measures of the angles and the relationships between the sides and angles.

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