Common questions

Is transparent international legit?

Is transparent international legit?

Transparent International is honest, reliable, prompt and conscientious. We care about your valuable possessions, your family, your vehicle and your pets. We understand that we will be in control of a major portion of your life for the next several months.

What is TransparentBusiness?

TransparentBusiness helps customers securely manage a remote workforce. A digital platform that helps companies manage remote workers. TransparentBusiness helps businesses monitor online connected employees in real-time, coordinate teams, and provide information on the cost and status of projects.

Is TransparentBusiness a good company?

Great Company with High Level Job Opportunities This is the best company I’ve worked with. Clear tasks, timely payments, minimum stress! Nothing downsides to say about working at TransparentBusiness.

Is Kainos a good company?

Fantastic and progressive company with respect for all employees. Kainos are a very progressive employer with an emphasis on creativity and respect. They have an innovative approach to creating an environment where people can grow. Fantastically managed and a great place to work.

Who owns transparent?

KMGi Group
TransparentBusiness/Parent organizations

How much is TransparentBusiness worth?

Hundreds of investors have purchased the stock of TransparentBusiness at the $2.4B valuation, clearly expecting that, as our revenues, brand visibility, and value keep growing, the price of our stock will be growing as well.

Is TransparentBusiness going public?

TransparentBusiness is in the process of becoming a public reporting company under the SEC rules and plans to become publicly traded company in December of 2021, with the objective of exceeding the $58B valuation achieved by Robinhood.

Who are Kainos competitors?

Kainos’s competitors Kainos’s top competitors include Porsche Digital, Valtech, Perficient, Thoughtworks and BJSS. We provide digital technology solutions that enable companies to work smarter, faster, better.

What do Kainos do?

Kainos Group plc (commonly referred to simply as Kainos or Kainos Software) is a software company headquartered in Belfast, Northern Ireland that develops information technology solutions for businesses and organisations particularly in the public, healthcare and financial services sectors.

What is the value of TransparentBusiness?

When an organization is more transparent with their employees, they tend to be more successful in several areas: they have increased employee engagement, stronger company culture, and transparency fosters a type of comfort that allows employees to freely communicate.

Will TransparentBusiness go public?

Do companies announce when they go public?

When a private company makes plans to go public, there is often little fanfare or advance notice. Some of the radio silence is due to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requirements in relation to official filings of notices.

What do you need to know about TransparentBusiness?

Write a Review! Write a Review! What is TransparentBusiness? Monitors distributed teams by storing screenshots and keyboard usage, creates data reports and allows for developer ecosystem. Still searching for the right software? Talk to a Capterra software advisor today.

Are there any strings attached to transparent business?

“No strings attached” relates to the try-out for persons who claim that they have clients for TransparentBusiness. We do offer them 70% commission during the try-out but clearly state upfront in our terms that it’s a “sink or swim” try-out.

Is the Citigroup transparent business management software bogus?

The claims appear to be bogus: “they do have a software but only addresses a small segment of the business community” claims the mysterious poster; however, Citigroup designated TransparentBusiness as the Top People Management Solution, and it can be used to monitor and coordinate any type of computer-based work.

Are there any laws to make transparency mandatory?

In fact, the benefits of TransparentBusiness are so impactful that legislators in 32 states have introduced bills seeking to make such transparency mandatory, see Work at TransparentBusiness? Share Your Experiences

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