Common questions

How much is the E911 fee?

How much is the E911 fee?

The FCC requires all communication providers that offer voice over internet protocol (VoIP) to provide emergency 911 services to their customers. The e-911 fee of $0.99 per line per month is to offset the costs associated with providing this service to our customers.

What is E911 tax?

E911 Tax. “E911 Tax” refers to any tax that is assessed on interconnected VoIP service by state or local taxing authorities in the United States for the purpose of funding state and/or local emergency service programs. 8×8 collects and remits E911 taxes as required by law.

Do you get taxed for calling 911?

In the US and Canada, when you call 911 for an emergency you will usually not get charged just for calling. Police and firefighter services are usually paid for by taxes and do not bill you for responding.

Do you get charged for calling 911 in Illinois?

On November 21, 2017, the City of Chicago approved a $1.10 per network connection rate increase for the landline and wireless 911 surcharge pursuant to the State authorization passed earlier this year. Effective January 1, 2018, the surcharge rate will be $5.00 per network connection per month.

Why is there a 911 fee on my phone bill?

The California State 911 surcharge goes to the Office of Emergency Services, then to local law enforcement. Three cents a month funds what the state calls “advanced services.” It means $845 million dollars that the state is supposed to use to provide broadband internet to at least 98% of California.

What is the 911 fee in California?

911 Surcharge Rate
January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2021 $0.30*

What is the E911 fee by state?


State Wireline VoIP
California $0.30 $0.30
Colorado $0.70 – $3.00 (max) $0.10 – Statewide Fee $0.70 – $3.00 (max) $0.10 – Statewide Fee
Connecticut $0.57 $0.57
Alaska $0.00 – $2.00 $0.47

What happens if you don’t pay the magic jack 911 fee?

If you decide you will not pay, you do not have to take any action. Due to recent changes, magicJack will start to charge for 911 services for 911 capability.

What happens if you don’t pay the magicJack 911 fee?

How much is the at & T 911 service fee?

The following E911 fees are included in the rate plan charge for the AT PREPAID phone plan each month and remitted to the taxing authority pursuant to applicable state or local law: State. Description. Flat Fee Per Month. Massachusetts. 911 Service Fee. $1.00. Nevada. Local 911 Service Fee.

Where does the money from enhanced 911 fees go?

AT is required to impose these fees on its customers and to remit the collected fees to the relevant governmental bodies. The proceeds from these fees are generally used to recover state or local government costs related to building and operating enhanced 911 services.

When do I have to pay the Connecticut E-911 fee?

Retailers must collect the E-911 fee on each retail purchase of prepaid wireless telecommunications service occurring in Connecticut on or after January 1, 2013. A retail transaction subject to the E-911 fee occurs in this state if the retail transaction is subject to Connecticut sales tax.

Where does the E911 fee come from for at & T?

Some E911 fees are based on prepaid usage. The following E911 fees are included in the rate plan charge for the AT PREPAID phone plan each month and remitted to the taxing authority pursuant to applicable state or local law:

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