
How much do students get paid from Centrelink?

How much do students get paid from Centrelink?

Payment rates

Your circumstances Your maximum fortnightly payment
Single, no children, younger than 18, and live at your parent’s home $303.20
Single, no children, younger than 18, living away from your parent’s home to study, train or look for work $512.50

What can students get from Centrelink?


  • Youth Allowance for students and Australian Apprentices. Financial help if you’re 24 or younger and a student or Australian Apprentice.
  • Austudy. Financial help if you’re 25 or older and studying or an Australian Apprentice.
  • Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme.
  • Tertiary Access Payment.
  • Relocation Scholarship.

Do you pay back student allowance?

The Student Allowance is similar to the Student Loan living costs but you don’t have to pay it back. You do have to pay back the living costs, as it’s part of the Student Loan.

Can I get JobSeeker while studying?

JobSeeker Payment is financial help if you’re between 22 and Age Pension age. You can get it while you’re unemployed and looking for work, or doing approved activities to find a job. To get this payment you must be doing an activity like looking for work, working or studying.

How can I get help with my Centrelink payments?

Call our Multilingual Phone Service to speak with us in your language about your Centrelink payments and services. We give eligible students, trainees and Australian Apprentices financial help with everyday costs of living and some study expenses. Our intro to student payments video will give you an overview of what we offer.

How old do you have to be to apply for Centrelink?

There’s information, payments and services available if you’re between 15 and 24 and becoming independent from your parents or carer. You can securely upload an image of your Centrelink form or other documents online. Was this page useful?

How much does it cost to take a Centrelink test?

E.g. If you have no earnings in your first fortnight of Centrelink, the next fortnight the test starts at $874.00 ($437 plus $437) (Also see the SRC’s leaflet ‘How Income Affects Payments’). **Always report to Centrelink any changes to your income each fortnight.

How often do you get ABSTUDY and Youth Allowance?

A once a year payment if you get ABSTUDY or Youth Allowance. You must also need to move to or from a regional or remote area for higher education study. view all payments for students and trainees.

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