
How do you use assume command in Maplestory?

How do you use assume command in Maplestory?

One way to define a number as a positive real in Maple is to use the following command: > assume(x>0): Alternatively, if you do not want to impose that assumption, use: > simplify( sqrt(x*x), symbolic);

How do you simplify an expression in Maplestory?

You can extend the simplify function by defining a Maple procedure. If the procedure `simplify/f` is defined, then the function call simplify(a,f) invokes `simplify/f`(a). Performs simplification with respect to the side relations. For details, see simplify/siderels.

What does Signum mean in Maple?

The signum command (signum) returns the “sign” of a real or complex number. It is defined by signum(x) = x/abs(x), for . If _Envsignum0 is assigned a value, then signum(0) returns that value.

How do you evaluate a function in Maple?

  1. Evaluating a Function.
  2. Typing f(a); will give you the value of f at the point .
  3. Maple will leave expressions such as sqrt symbolic, as shown below.
  4. To obtain a floating-point (numerical) value, use the evalf command.
  5. To simplify this expression, use the simplify command.

How do you get numerical answers in Maplestory?

Using Maple to do numerical computations is very straightforward. Just enter the numerical expression and end the line with a semicolon. Pressing [Enter] will then execute the line and the result will be displayed in blue in the center of the screen.

What is Csgn in Maple?

The csgn function is used to determine in which half-plane (“left” or “right”) the complex-valued expression or number x lies.

What does sgn stand for math?

sign function
In mathematics, the sign function or signum function (from signum, Latin for “sign”) is an odd mathematical function that extracts the sign of a real number. In mathematical expressions the sign function is often represented as sgn.

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