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How do you take care of 2B curly hair?

How do you take care of 2B curly hair?

2b Wash Day Routine

  1. Wet hair in the shower and apply deep conditioner with protein in it. Deep Condition for five minutes, comb through with a wide-tooth comb.
  2. CoWash with As I Am Coconut Cowash. Work product along scalp and gently scrub to clean, avoiding ends of hair.
  3. Apply leave-in conditioner in shower.

Is 2B hair considered Curly?

2B Hair type is best described as wavy hair. This hair type is not quite curly and it’s not quite straight. If your hair is mostly flat and straight at the roots but gets wavier and more ā€œSā€ shaped toward the bottom, then you have 2B hair!

How can I make my 2B hair look good?

For type 2b hair, it is best to use a smoothing and frizz free shampoo and conditioner. If you are looking to put in the least amount of effort possible, it is best to keep type 2b hair at a medium length to avoid the weigh down of long waves or frizziness of short waves.

What is curl type 2B?

Type 2B. 2B hair lies flatter at the crown with defined S-shaped waves starting from the midlength, like Salma Hayek’s here. Strands are thicker in diameter than a 2A, and you’ll have to put a bit more elbow grease into getting it straight.

Is Shea Moisture good for 2b hair?

Keep wavy hair looking and feeling its best with SheaMoisture Type 2 hair products, suitable for hair types 2a, 2b and 2c. And to make sure your hair is truly cared for, SheaMoisture products contain no silicone, sulfates, parabens, phthalates, mineral oil or petrolatum.

How can I sleep with 2b hair?

In addition to sleeping on your side or on your stomach, there are additional ways you can preserve your curls as you snooze.

  1. Use a silk or satin pillowcase.
  2. Put your hair in a ‘pineapple’
  3. Do twists or braids.
  4. Use a silk or satin bonnet or headscarf.
  5. Try a spritz or two of product.

Can I brush 2B hair?

Vented brushes are usually fine for waves, as long as you’re gentle and only using it when your hair is wet. Combing through seemed to have the least impact on the 2a and 2b hair types that weren’t overly thick, while the thick 2c, borderline 3a wavy hair I’ve dealt with didn’t handle it too well.

Can I brush 2b hair?

Can I use Cantu for 2b hair?

Cantu Curl Activator is super creamy, however it can be oily for some textures like Type 2/3A. It has fantastic slip which makes it great for detangling.

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