
How do I access my profile?

How do I access my profile?

If you’re a Local Guide, you can view your level, points, and badges in the Google Maps app.On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Maps app .Tap Contribute. View your profile.Under your name, view your local guide level and points. Tap the arrow. to view your badges and number of contributions.

Where can you set up an online profile?

How to Create Professional Online ProfilesLinkedIn Profile. LinkedIn is “the” site for professional networking. Professional Facebook Page. Twitter Profile. Pinterest Page. Personal Website or Blog. An About Me Page for Your Site. Build Your Professional Brand. Be Careful About Privacy.

How can I scrub my online presence?

6 ways to delete yourself from the internetDelete or deactivate your shopping, social network and web service accounts. Remove yourself from data collection sites. Remove your info directly from websites. Remove personal info from websites. Remove outdated search results.

How do I check my social media presence?

How to Monitor Your Social Media Presence in 10 Minutes a Day1) Check Twitter for chatter about your company ( 2 minutes ): Use tools like TweetDeck or Twitter Search to monitor conversations about your company in real-time. 2) Scan Google Alerts ( 1.5 minutes ): Check your Google Alerts for your company name, products, executives or brand terms.

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