
Can someone who speaks Chinese understand Japanese?

Can someone who speaks Chinese understand Japanese?

Well, the answer is NO. When it comes to express their language verbally, it seems hard for them to understand each other. But it is also true that some educated Chinese and Japanese speakers can read each other’s written language.

Is Japanese sentence structure the same as Chinese?

Chinese and Japanese tend toward different sentence structures. While Japanese is an SOV language (subject, object, verb), Chinese is an SVO language (subject-verb-object). Japanese grammar is often seen as more complex than its Chinese counterpart. For instance, in Japanese, verbs and adjectives are often combined.

What do Japanese think about Chinese?

Many Japanese nationalist groups, such as Ganbare Nippon and Zaitokukai, are anti-Chinese, with data from the Pew Global Attitude Project (2008) showing that 85% of Japanese people surveyed held unfavourable views of China, and that 73% held unfavourable views of Chinese people.

Why do Japanese use Chinese words?

To accommodate differences, the Japanese used Chinese characters not just for their meaning, but also for phonetic purposes. As cursive became more common in writing the characters, the phonetic characters began getting more simplified in appearance.

Are Korean Japanese and Chinese similar?

Indeed, these three influential ethnic groups, i.e., Han Chinese, Japanese, and Korean share many similarities in appearance, language and culture. These estimations based on genomic data indicate Han Chinese, Japanese and Korean people are genetically closely-related and derived their ancestry from a common gene pool.

What is harder Japanese or Chinese?

Learning to read and write Japanese is probably harder than Chinese because most Japanese characters (kanji) have two or more pronunciations, whereas the vast majority of Chinese characters (hanzi) only have one. Chinese grammar is generally considered a lot easier to learn than Japanese.

Is Japanese like Chinese?

One of the most apparent similarities between the two languages is that they share similar characters; kanji in Japanese and hanzi in Chinese. In fact, the two languages have more than half of its characters in common. Over time, some of the newer kanji from Japan also came to be incorporated into Chinese.

What are some phrases that you can say in Japanese?

Japanese is full of simple phrases to start out a conversation. #5 Ogenki desu ka? (お元気ですか) – How are you? #8 _______ – san mo? (______-さんも? ) – And you? (Hint: fill in the blank with your friend’s name. This is a great response to things like “How are you?” because you can say, “I’m good! And you?”)

Is it hard to speak Japanese like a native speaker?

The real difficulty with Japanese is in trying to sound like a native speaker. Getting pitch accent and sentence intonation to a native-like level is no easy task (and I have not done it yet!).

What do you say when you meet someone in Japanese?

When you meet someone for the first time, you tend to start out with a greeting like “Hello” or pleasantries like “It’s nice to meet you,” right? Japanese is full of simple phrases to start out a conversation. #5 Ogenki desu ka?

Is it better to learn Japanese or Chinese?

And to answer your question,as an American of Chinese descent who has been learning Japanese by myself online, I think that knowing Chinese really does help in learning Japanese to some extent. Even the grammar concepts are actually more similar than some native English speakers claim.

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