Common questions

Can I make my own Geocoin?

Can I make my own Geocoin?

A custom geocoin or custom geotag is a special coin/tag you can have created through us at as a signature item, like a calling card for geocaching. Once you put it in a geocache, other people can find the coin, log it on, and move it further along to help the coin complete its mission.

Where can I buy geocoins?

You can order geocoins from Shop Geocaching (U.S. Orders) or from an international retailer. Having your own customized Geocoins minted can be an exciting process.

Can I make my own geocache trackable?

Making yourself trackable is an easy process and Geocaching HQ can give you a custom trackable icon for the trackable details page! Purchase a trackable from Shop Geocaching or one of’s official distributors.

Are geocaches illegal?

You are ultimately responsible for the cache so please make sure you know what the rules are. Geocaching is an illegal activity in National Forest wilderness if personal property is left unattended. Caches are not allowed in wilderness areas.

What is a Geocoin worth?

GEO value statistics

Price to USD $ 0.3407
24h volume $ 339.19
Market cap $ 1.08 million
Fully diluted market cap $ 340.71 million
All-time high (daily avg.) $ 17.26

What are geocoins used for?

A geocoin is a metal or wooden token minted in similar fashion to a medallion, token coin, military challenge coin or wooden nickel, for use in geocaching, specifically as form of a calling card. The first geocoins were developed by Jon Stanley (aka moun10bike) as a signature item to be placed in caches.

What does Tftc mean in geocaching?

Thanks For The Cache
TFTC. “Thanks For The Cache”. An acronym written by geocachers in logbooks or online when logging cache finds.

Where are my trackables caches?

Use the old search interface to search at your location. The “info” column in the results will have icons for some caches. There’s icons for “needs maintenence” (red wrench) and “premium member only”, but otherwise, if you click on the icon it’ll tell you what trackables are currently reported to be in there.

What does tot mean in geocaching?

Geocaching TOTT (Tools Of The Trade)

What do you do with the geocoins in geocaching?

Geocachers can then find the geocoins and move them to other geocaches. This is a fun game where you can assign missions to geocoins and geotags and watch them travel all over the world.

Where do I Find my geocaching calling card?

GPS Coordinates are posted on sites like with these hidden locations. Your username, or your official geocaching calling card, tag, or handle. This name is used to identify yourself as a Geocacher, and a way for your name to travel along with its journey.

What can you do with a custom geocoin?

A custom geocoin or custom geotag is a special coin/tag you can have created through us at as a signature item, like a calling card for geocaching.

How much does it cost to track A geocoin?

There is a 150 piece minimum and the cost per tracking number is $1.50. We will handle the purchase and engraving of personalized geocoins for you. You can activate your trackable coins here.

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