
What happens after your first chiropractic adjustment?

What happens after your first chiropractic adjustment?

What to Do After A Chiropractic Adjustment

  1. Give Your Body Time to Rest.
  2. Improve Your Sleep Routine.
  3. Drink Plenty of Water.
  4. Don’t Sit for Long Periods of Time.
  5. Pay Attention to Your Posture.
  6. Good Changes to Your Posture are Normal.
  7. Exercise on the Regular.
  8. Continue to Visit Your Chiropractor.

How long does a first chiropractic adjustment take?

This article explains what patients can expect during their first chiropractic consultation, which typically: Involves a thorough chiropractic exam. May include the start of chiropractic treatment. Lasts about 45 minutes or more.

Do chiropractic adjustments work right away?

For the most part, people will start to feel relief after their first few visits, if not the first chiropractic visit. Estimates have 60% of patients feeling relief after their first visit, while 30% of patients take two to three trips to feel relief.

Is it normal to be sore after your first chiropractic adjustment?

One of the first steps in your treatment plan is your initial adjustment. Feeling sore after this adjustment is normal for patients. Once a correction has been made to your spine, you’re changing what muscles are active and which aren’t.

Do you take your shirt off at chiropractor?

The first question many people who are new to the world of chiropractic ask is whether or not they’ll have to take their clothes off. The answer is no. You can remain fully clothed and comfortable, and it will not impede the chiropractic practice. Many women wonder if they can wear their bra to the chiropractor.

Why do you need to drink water after a chiropractic adjustment?

A regular intake of water keeps the discs nourished. Your spine squeezes out the water as you move around. After a chiropractor is done working on your back, the bones will need to have their water replenished. Dehydration will often cause constant back pain and possible mobility problems.

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