
Why does patamon become Angemon?

Why does patamon become Angemon?

Patamon becomes Angemon for the first time during the final fight against Devimon. Devimon had already defeated the other six DigiDestined and their partner Digimon, and when he attempted to grab T.K., Patamon jumped in front of T.K. and finally digivolved into his Champion form Angemon.

What can patamon Digivolve to?

Patamon is an Air Data type, Rookie level Digimon. It digivolves from Tokomon and can digivolve into Angemon, Piddomon, Growlmon (Orange), and Veedramon.

What Digimon turns into Angemon?

Angemon digivolves from Patamon and can digivolve into MagnaAngemon, Shakkoumon, or Lucemon Falldown Mode. In order to digivolve or degenerate into Angemon, your Digimon must be at least level 22 with 50% friendship, but only once you have revived Angemon. It can be hatched from the Holy Striped Egg.

When did Patamon become Angemon in Digimon Adventure?

Patamon becomes Angemon for the first time during the final fight against Devimon. Devimon had already defeated the other six DigiDestined and their partner Digimon, and when he attempted to grab T.K., Patamon jumped in front of T.K. and finally digivolved into his Champion form Angemon.

Where do you get a Patamon in Digimon Maniac?

Patamon is a starter Digimon in Balanced and Maniac packs. A DRI Agent in Asuka Central Park gives Junior a Patamon if the boy brings him a DDNA sample from MagnaAngemon . Patamon gains the ability to digivolve to Angemon at Lv5, MagnaAngemon at Lv20, and Seraphimon at Lv40. Patamon is also a white Rookie Digimon card with 1/4.

When does Tokomon evolve into a Patamon?

Tokomon evolves into Patamon after 24 in-game hours have elapsed only if its HP, Offense and Brains stats are higher as opposed to Piyomon ‘s MP, Defense and Speed stat requirement. Patamon can also evolve into 10 different types of Digimon depending on the stats and Care Mistakes made:

What kind of Digimon can you get from Tokomon?

Patamon is a Air Data type, Rookie level Digimon. It digivolves from Tokomon and can digivolve into Angemon, Piddomon, Growlmon (Orange), and Veedramon. If not meeting the requirements for any of those Champions before the age of 7, it will digivolve into Numemon if Attack is higher, or Geremon if Wisdom is higher.

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