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Who is the founder of reader-response theory?

Who is the founder of reader-response theory?

Transactional reader-response theory, led by Louise Rosenblatt and supported by Wolfgang Iser, involves a transaction between the text’s inferred meaning and the individual interpretation by the reader influenced by their personal emotions and knowledge.

Who constructs the meaning of the novel on the basis of signs according to ISER?

116) or “vacant Pages” (Joseph Andrews II. i. 89) 3) with the help of certain textual signs. Iser’s main contention is that the novel does not explicitly state its meaning, but that it is the reader who constructs its meaning on the basis of these signs.

Which literary text is taken up by Wolfgang Iser for interpretation?

In his study of Shakespeare’s histories, in particular Richard II, Iser interprets Richard’s continually changing legal policy as expression of the desire for self-assertion. Here he follows Hans Blumenberg, and attempts to apply his theory of modernity to Shakespeare.

Who created the reception theory?

Hans Robert Jauss’s version of reception theory was introduced in the late 1960s, a period of social, political, and intellectual instability in West Germany. Jauss’s reception theory focused on the reader rather than the author or text.

What is the basic idea of the reader-response theory?

reader-response theorists share two beliefs: 1) that the role of the reader cannot be omitted from our understanding of literature and 2) that readers do not passively consume the meaning presented to them by an objective literary text; rather they actively make the meaning they find in literature” (154).

Who pioneered the feminist criticism?

Writers like Simone de Beauvoir (Le Deuxième Sexe, 1949) and Elaine Showalter established the groundwork for the dissemination of feminist theories dove-tailed with the American Civil Rights movement.

What does Iser stand for?


Acronym Definition
ISER Institute of Social and Economic Research (University of Alaska Anchorage)
ISER Institute for Social and Economic Research (University of Essex; UK)
ISER Integrated Site Edge Router
ISER International Symposium on Experimental Robotics

Who wrote the famous essay the reading process?

Wolfgang Iser
Wolfgang Iser. “The Reading Process: A Phenomenological Approach.” New Literary History 3 (1972): 279-99.

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