When was the crumhorn played?
Crumhorn, also spelled Krummhorn, (from Middle English crump: “crooked”), double-reed wind instrument that flourished between the 15th century and about 1650.
How does a crumhorn work?
Crumhorn and cornamuse players blow into the wind cap for the reeds to vibrate, without touching them directly; bagpipers blow into the mouthpiece for the reeds to vibrate, without touching them directly, which also has the effect of filling the airbag to produce a continuous sound.
What type of music was the crumhorn used for?
renaissance music
Despite its strange shape and the amusing reaction of listeners when the instrument is played poorly, the crumhorn played a serious role in all kinds of renaissance music ranging from dances and madrigals to church music.
Where does the name crumhorn come from?
The term “Krummhorn” (meaning bent horn or crump from the older English, meaning curve) was used in Germany from about 1300 on, apparently to describe a curved lip-reed instrument. Its characteristic curvature and wind cap may have evolved from the curved animal horn of bladder pipes and bagpipes.
What is the Crumhorn today?
The crumhorn is a musical instrument of the woodwind family, most commonly used during the Renaissance period. In modern times, particularly since the 1960s, there has been a revival of interest in early music, and crumhorns are being played again. It was also spelled krummhorn, krumhorn, krum horn, and cremorne.
Is the Crumhorn Haute or bas?
Medieval Musical Instruments – Crumhorn Terms of description were Bas instruments and Haut instruments.
Do oboes have reeds?
Conversely, while the oboe has no mouthpiece it does have two reeds-the oboe is a double-reed instrument. The shape of the bell is also quite different. The bell of an oboe does not extend as far as that of a clarinet, and it is also thicker.
What does the Crumhorn sound like?
buzzing sound
Crumhorns make a strong buzzing sound, but quieter than their conical-bore relatives the rauschpfeife and shawm. They have a limited range, usually a ninth.
What is the modern version of the Crumhorn?
How long should you soak an oboe reed?
around 2 to 3 minutes
How long do the reeds soak in water? Oboe reeds are soaked in water before playing so that they have the right level of moisture. They are soaked in lukewarm water for around 2 to 3 minutes.
What kind of music is played by a crumhorn?
The history of the crumhorn. Crumhorns produce a range in tone from a gentle, somewhat nasal humming to a rich, resonant buzzing. Due to their limited range, music for crumhorns is usually played by a group of instruments of different sizes and hence at different pitches. Such a group is known as a consort of crumhorns.
Why was a crumhorn played without a windcap?
On modern reconstructions additional keys are provided to extend the range upwards by one to three notes. And there is some evidence to suggest that crumhorns were sometimes played without the windcap, possibly to facilitate the production of higher notes. Crumhorns have a characteristically sharp attack which is very effective in an ensemble.
Who was the king that played the crumhorn?
As early as 1500 crumhorns were used along with other instruments to accompany two masses performed for the wedding of Duke Johann to Sophia of Mecklenburg. King Henry the Eighth of England owned 25 crumhorns, so they may have been played at his court.
What are the four parts of a crumhorn?
A four-part consort usually comprised an alto crumhorn (in F or G ), two tenors ( C) and a bass ( F ). Less frequently, soprano ( C) and great bass ( C) crumhorns were used.