
What type of consumer is a hyena?

What type of consumer is a hyena?

Tertiary consumers include hyenas, which feed on nearly any type of meat (dead or alive) and are considered to also be scavengers. Lions hunt the gazelles, making lions the predators and gazelles the prey.

Are hyenas secondary consumers?

Secondary consumers in the savannas include carnivorous species such as lions, leopards, cheetahs, hyenas, jackals, wild dogs, snakes, lizards and birds of prey. Tertiary consumers are those carnivores, such as lions, which prey upon other carnivores as well as herbivores.

Is phytoplankton a secondary consumer?

Phytoplankton are the tiny, plant-like producers of the plankton community. Zooplankton are the animal-like primary consumers of plankton communities. In turn, zooplankton then become food for larger, secondary consumers such as fish. Zooplankton include microscopic and macroscopic organisms.

Why is a hyena a secondary consumer?

Most humans are not just primary consumers or just secondary consumers. We eat both plant food and animal food. This means they eat food that other animals have left. Hyenas, for example, eat the remains of animals that have been killed by predators.

Is a hyena a producer consumer or decomposer?

Scavengers (hyenas, vultures) and decomposers/detritivores (bacteria, fungi, termites) break down organic matter, making it available to producers and completing the food cycle (web).

What animal is plankton?

Plankton includes plants and animals that float along at the mercy of the sea’s tides and currents. Their name comes from the Greek meaning “drifter” or “wanderer.” There are two types of plankton: tiny plants–called phytoplankton, and weak-swimming animals–called zooplankton.

Is zooplankton a herbivore carnivore or omnivore?

Zooplankton may be herbivores or plant-eaters (eat phytoplankton), carnivores or meat eaters (eat other zooplankton) or omnivores, which eat both plants and animals (eat phytoplankton and zooplankton).

What level are consumer hyenas?

Tertiary consumers include hyenas, which feed on nearly any type of meat (dead or alive) and are considered to also be scavengers.

What animal is primary consumer?

Primary Consumer – Animals that consume only plant matter. They are herbivores – eg rabbits, caterpillars, cows, sheep, and deer. Secondary Consumer – Animals that eat primary consumers (herbivores). Tertiary Consumer – Animals that eat secondary consumers ie carnivores that feed on other carnivores.

Is a vulture a secondary consumer?

Carnivores and omnivores are secondary consumers. Scavengers play an important role the food web. Some birds are scavengers. Vultures only eat the bodies of dead animals.

Why are phytoplankton important to the food web?

Phytoplankton is the base of several aquatic food webs. In a balanced ecosystem, they provide food for a wide range of sea creatures. Phytoplankton, also known as microalgae, are similar to terrestrial plants in that they contain chlorophyll and require sunlight in order to live and grow.

Who are the tertiary consumers in the food chain?

This means they eat secondary consumers. Tertiary consumers are often the “top predators” in a food chain. This means that no other animals eat them. A great white shark leaps out of the water, catching a seal in its jaws. A shark is a tertiary consumer. An area has only a few top predators. To see why, think about the energy pyramid.

How are phytoplankton similar to plants and animals?

Phytoplankton, also known as microalgae, are similar to terrestrial plants in that they contain chlorophyll and require sunlight in order to live and grow. Most phytoplankton are buoyant and float in the upper part of the ocean, where sunlight penetrates the water. The two main classes of phytoplankton are dinoflagellates and diatoms.

Who are the consumers of plants and animals?

All animals are consumers. So are many microscopic creatures. Many consumers eat plants or parts of plants. They are called primary consumers.

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