
What postcode is Cheetham Hill?

What postcode is Cheetham Hill?

Cheetham Hill Road in Manchester is in the North West region of England. The postcode is within the Cheetham ward/electoral division, which is in the constituency of Blackley and Broughton. This page combines information for the address Cheetham Hill Road, Manchester, M4 4ER, and the neighbourhood in which it resides.

What area is Cheetham Hill?

Cheetham Hill is an inner-city area and electoral ward of Manchester, England, which in 2011 had a population of 22,562.

Where are the fake shops in Cheetham Hill?

A posse of young men is huddled along a short but well-known stretch of Bury New Road in the Strangeways area, between town and Cheetham Hill. It’s the place that’s been branded ‘Counterfeit Street’ – where you can buy fake designer gear for a fraction of the price of the real thing.

What’s it like to live in Cheetham Hill?

“Cheetham Hill is nice, it’s always busy. Sometimes we have problems with homeless people begging outside the shop, but it doesn’t happen very often. “I like Manchester more than London, it’s more compressed and much nicer. But it rains a lot – that’s the only thing.

What are the rough parts of Manchester?

Here, we examine what has been happening in different areas of the city centre:

  • Gay Village. There were 167 rapes and 230 sexual assaults reported across the city centre – averaging more than one a day.
  • Piccadilly Gardens.
  • Northern Quarter.
  • Castlefield.
  • Chinatown.
  • ‘Policing must be targeted where it is needed’

Where is Cheetham Hill fake?

What’s the roughest part of Manchester?

Unsurprisingly, the Commercial District is the area that has returned the highest number of crime reports in Manchester city centre in 2018-19. There were 805 violent incidents, 108 sex attacks (including 42 rapes) 258 burglaries, 4,469 thefts, 319 robberies and 228 public order offences.

What is the posh part of Manchester?

Didsbury. Didsbury is one of Manchester’s most desirable locations. The home to many celebrities and famous footballers, it is also one of the more expensive areas in the region.

Which area has the highest crime rate in Manchester?

Commercial District But these high-end businesses and heavy foot fall also attract crime. Indeed, the Commercial District saw the highest number of reported crimes in Manchester city centre in 2018-19, including a whopping 805 violent incidents, 258 burglaries, 4,469 thefts, 319 robberies and 228 public order offences.

Where do millionaires live in Manchester?

The exact three points of the triangle are the subject of local debate, but are generally considered to be Wilmslow, Alderley Edge and Prestbury. The area is noted for expensive houses in pleasant countryside that is popular with wealthy Premier League footballers, celebrities and entrepreneurs.

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