
What is the symptoms of Tulo?

What is the symptoms of Tulo?

Symptoms include:

  • discharge from the vagina (watery, creamy, or slightly green)
  • pain or burning sensation while urinating.
  • urge to urinate more frequently.
  • heavier periods or spotting.
  • sore throat.
  • pain during sexual intercourse.
  • sharp pain in the lower abdomen.
  • fever.

How do I know if my girlfriend has gonorrhea?

Signs and symptoms of gonorrhea infection in women include: Increased vaginal discharge. Painful urination. Vaginal bleeding between periods, such as after vaginal intercourse….Gonorrhea affecting the genital tract

  • Painful urination.
  • Pus-like discharge from the tip of the penis.
  • Pain or swelling in one testicle.

What are symptoms of gonorrhea in males?

In men, symptoms of gonorrhoea can include:

  • an unusual discharge from the tip of the penis, which may be white, yellow or green.
  • pain or a burning sensation when urinating.
  • inflammation (swelling) of the foreskin.
  • pain or tenderness in the testicles – this is rare.

What color is gonorrhea discharge?

And also like chlamydia, gonorrhea discharges are frequently filled with mucus and pus—and commonly has a cloudy appearance—and can range from white to yellow to green in color. Another symptom you might experience if you have gonorrhea is vaginal bleeding—even when you’re not menstruating.

How long can a woman have gonorrhea without knowing?

Symptoms. It is fairly common for gonorrhea to cause no symptoms, especially in women. The incubation period, the time from exposure to the bacteria until symptoms develop, is usually 2 to 5 days. But sometimes symptoms may not develop for up to 30 days.

What is the cure for Tulo?

Gonorrhea can be cured with the right treatment. CDC recommends a single dose of 500 mg of intramuscular ceftriaxone. Alternative regimens are available when ceftriaxone cannot be used to treat urogenital or rectal gonorrhea.

Will gonorrhea go away on its own?

How is Gonorrhea Treated? Even though gonorrhea is highly treatable, it will not go away without medication. Gonorrhea cannot be cured without medication. Someone who has gonorrhea will be prescribed antibiotic medication.

When do gonorrhea symptoms start?

How soon do symptoms appear? In males, symptoms usually appear two to seven days after infection but it can take as long as 30 days for symptoms to begin. Often, there are no symptoms for people infected with gonorrhea; 10 to 15 percent of men and about 80 percent of women may have no symptoms.

When do STD symptoms start?

Symptoms usually appear after 2 to 3 weeks but could start earlier or much later. They include: one or more small painless sores or ulcers on the genitals. a blotchy rash and flu-like symptoms that may follow a few weeks later.

Does gonorrhea stop your period?

Most women do not have symptoms with gonorrhea. If they do, they are mild and often mistaken for a bladder or mild yeast infection and do not usually cause missed periods, unless the STI progresses to PID. If you have gonorrhea, it is dangerous to leave it untreated because it can spread to your blood or joints.

Does gonorrhea have a smell?

Gonorrhea discharge can have an unpleasant, foul smell.

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