
What is the number 1 visited website?

What is the number 1 visited website?

List of websitesSiteDomainAlexa top 50 global sites (As of Novem)Google Searchgoogle.com1 ( )YouTubeyoutube.com2 ( )Tmalltmall.com3 ( )Baidubaidu.com4 ( )46

Which is the biggest website in the world?

The Biggest Websites In The – 469.6 Million Unique Visitors. – 469.9 Million Unique Visitors. – 721.9 Million Unique Visitors. – 782.8 Million Unique Visitors. – 836.7 Million Unique Visitors. Now, check out the top websites in the US >

What websites do you visit daily?

So before you dive into your morning workload, be sure to check these 10 essential websites.Facebook. Not that you need our encouragement—it’s the most popular site on the Internet, according to Alexa traffic rankings. Reuters. Pinterest. Lifehacker. The Verge. CollegeHumor. Twitter.

How do I find cool websites?

Cool Websites To Discover Other Cool WebsitesReddit. In what is considered The Front Page of the internet by the community, Reddit boasts one of the most highly trafficked properties online today. Digg. The Digg of today is much different than the Digg of yesteryear. 50 Best is a cool website. Pinterest. More of It. Similar Sites. The Internet Map. Blekko.

What to Do on the Internet if you are bored?

34 Fun Things To Do on the Internet When You’re BoredGoogle Yourself. Seriously. Take Quizzes. Test your knowledge of Renaissance art, Roald Dahl books, or even the best Twilight Zone episodes. Try Your Luck at the Penny Auctions. Create Your Own Memes. Become a YouTube Celebrity. Become a Part of a Writing Community. Rank Things. Plan the Trip of Your Dreams.

What websites to go on when bored?

Websites for When You’re BoredImgur. Imgur collects the most viral images of the week and collects them all in one place for your mindless scrolling and enjoyment. Animal Planet Kitten and Puppy Cams. Puppies and kittens. Zillow. Google Maps Street View. Wikipedia. Giphy. Wayback Machine. The Oregon Trail.

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