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What is the contextual component of the Triarchic model of intelligence?

What is the contextual component of the Triarchic model of intelligence?

The triarchic theory is comprised of three subtheories, each of which relates to a specific kind of intelligence: the contextual subtheory, which corresponds to practical intelligence, or the ability to successfully function in one’s environment; the experiential subtheory, which corresponds to creative intelligence.

What is contextual Subtheory of Sternberg?

Sternberg’s third subtheory of intelligence, called practical or contextual, “deals with the mental activity involved in attaining fit to context”. This type of intelligence is often referred to as “street smarts.” Adaptation occurs when one makes a change within oneself in order to better adjust to one’s surroundings.

What are the three types of intelligence in Sternberg’s triarchic theory?

Figure 7.12 Sternberg’s theory identifies three types of intelligence: practical, creative, and analytical.

What is Sternberg Triarchic theory of intelligence?

Robert Sternberg’s triarchic theory of intelligence describes three distinct types of intelligence that a person can possess. These three types are practical intelligence, creative intelligence, and analytical intelligence. A person with creative intelligence is good at addressing new problems.

What is the triarchic theory of intelligence explain in detail?

The triarchic theory of intelligence is based on a broader definition of intelligence than is typically used. In this theory, intelligence is defined in terms of the ability to achieve success in life based on one’s personal standards–and within one’s sociocultural context.

What is contextual Subtheory?

a part of the triarchic theory of intelligence according to which factors in the environment affect both an individual’s intelligence and what constitutes an intelligent response to a given situation.

How does Howard Gardner View Sternberg’s intelligence?

Sternberg argues that one capacity for intelligence exists, but it is made up of three distinct elements. Gardner recognizes aspects of intelligence like kinesthetic, musical, and naturalist.

What is the Triarchic theory of intelligence explain in detail?

How does Triarchic theory explain intelligence Class 12?

2. Triarchic Theory of Intelligence (Robert Sternberg) [1985]: Definition: The ability to adapt, to shape and select environment to accomplish one’s goals and those of one’s society and culture. — easily adapt to their present environment/select a more favourable environment, modify the environment to fit their needs.

How are Sternberg’s theory and Gardner’s theory different?

Differences in the Theories Gardner recognizes aspects of intelligence like kinesthetic, musical, and naturalist. Sternberg focuses primarily on elements of cognitive development that can be measured through somewhat traditional means (i.e. multiple choice and essay format).

Which theorist put forth the triarchic theory of intelligence?

The triarchic theory of intelligence proposes that there are three distinct types of intelligence: practical, distinct, and analytical. It was formulated by Robert J. Sternberg, a well-known psychologist whose research often focuses on human intelligence and creativity.

What is the theory of Sternberg Gardner?

Gardner multiple intelligences theory and Sternberg triarchic theory are about intelligences and both of them opposed intelligence is a general which asserts that intelligence is ability logical and linguistic. They are proposing that intelligences are thought of as a wide range of abilities.

What does triarchic mean?

The name of this theory says it all. Triarchic, from tri, meaning three, is a theory composed of three different types of intelligence. These three types of intelligence form a matrix of skills that together, can predict a person’s success in life.

What is componential intelligence?

Componential Intelligence (also Known As Analytical Intelligence) Componential intelligence (also known as analytical intelligence) is a concept developed by Sternberg in his triarchic theory of intelligence. He proposed that intelligence is comprised of three different processes: practical, componential, and creative.

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