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What is Spirometra in cats?

What is Spirometra in cats?

Spirometra spp. have indirect life cycles that require two intermediate hosts before becoming infectious to the definitive host. Adult Spirometra spp. in the small intestine of infected cats or dogs release operculate eggs from a midventral genital pore; these eggs are then passed in the feces.

What is Sparganum mansoni?

: an intramuscular or subcutaneous vermiform parasite of various vertebrates including humans that is the plerocercoid larva of a tapeworm —sometimes used as though a generic name when referring to such a larva Sparganum mansoni is the larva of Spirometra mansoni.

Where is Spirometra found?

The definitive hosts for Spirometra spp. are canids and felids, and humans serve as only paratenic or second intermediate hosts for the parasites. Spargana can be found in many organs in the human host, including the pleural cavity, eyes, pericardium, abdominal cavity and viscera, and the central nervous system.

How do humans get Spirometra?

Diphyllobothroid tapeworm under the genus Spirometra is the causative agent. Humans can be infected through the consumption of contaminated water or meat from intermediate hosts or through topical application of raw, contaminated poultices to eyes and open wounds.

Which form of Spirometra is seen in man?

Tapeworms of the genus Spirometra are of medical interest in that the larval form is occasionally found as a tissue parasite in man causing the infection known as sparganosis.

How do you treat Spirometra in cats?

Infections with Spirometra sp in dogs and cats can be treated with praziquantel at 7.5 mg/kg, PO, for 2 consecutive days. Spirometra sp infections in cats can also be treated with a single dose of praziquantel at 30 mg/kg, SC, IM, or PO. Mebendazole at 11 mg/kg, PO, has also been successful.

What is a Proglottid segment?

: a segment of a tapeworm containing both male and female reproductive organs.

Does eating crustaceans cause Diphyllobothriasis?

The tapeworm causing diphyllobothriasis (Diphyllobothrium latum) is widespread in North American freshwater fish, passing from crustacean to fish to humans by consumption of raw freshwater fish. It is especially common among Inuit peoples and may be asymptomatic or cause severe general and abdominal disorders.

What is oncosphere larva?

An oncosphere is the larval form of a tapeworm once it has been ingested by an intermediate host animal. In order to become an adult tapeworm, a cysticercus must then be consumed by its definitive host (in either raw or undercooked meat) and establish itself by anchoring in that host’s digestive tract.

What is the difference between Proglottids and scolex?

The scolex contains organs which facilitate attachment to the host tissue. Examples of this include suckers or hooks. Proglottids are individual segments of the strobilus and contain reproductive organs of both sexes. The proglottids at the posterior end are mature in comparison to the ones at the anterior end.

When was the first human case of Spirometra?

In humans, an infection of Spirometra is termed sparganosis. Spirometra infections were first described by Patrick Manson from China in 1882, and the first human case was reported by Charles Wardell Stiles from Florida in 1908. Among this family of flatworms, there are a few species that show up most prominently in infections.

How big are the eggs of Spirometra mansonoides?

The eggs of S. mansonoides provide an example of the general morphological characteristics of Spirometra eggs. S. mansonoides eggs resemble the eggs of D. latum, with some specific differences. S. mansonoides eggs measure 57-66 µm by 33-37 µm, which is smaller than the eggs of D. latum.

How big is the Spirometra in the eye?

spirometra mansoni. An elongated plerocercoid species, 3 to 14 in. (7.6 to 35 cm) in length, found in muscles and connective tissue, esp. that around the eye; common in the Far East.

Which is the best treatment for Spirometra in humans?

The best way to treat this condition in humans is with surgery, as most drug treatments are unsuccessful at getting rid of the larval stages. In animals, infections with Spirometra species can be treated with praziquantel at 7.5 mg/kg, PO, for 2 consecutive days.

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