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What is Seco in Panama?

What is Seco in Panama?

Seco Herrerano is considered the national alcoholic beverage of Panama. Triple distilled from sugarcane, it is traditionally used straight or in mixed drinks as a replacement for rum or vodka.

What is Seco made of?

Seco Herrerano is an alcoholic beverage distilled from sugar cane. It is distilled three times. It is traditionally used straight or in mixed drinks as a replacement for rum or vodka.

What is the difference between Seco and rum?

Although most assume that rum is Panama’s national liquor, it’s actually Seco—an 80-proof, white spirit distilled from sugarcane. It’s not made from molasses—as most rum is—but most local foodies and chefs say there is no difference, except for the perception.

How do you drink Seco?

A modern way to drink Seco is by mixing it with other tropical fruits. The most popular among which is the “Chichita Panamá” which blends Seco with grapefruit and pineapple juice. In urban bars, however, additional herbs and fruits are infused to formulate new cocktails.

What is the most popular drink in Panama?

Panama’s most famous drink is seco, a sugar-cane-distilled alcohol produced in Herrera and commonly served with milk and ice. You won’t find seco in trendy bars or high-end restaurants; it’s consumed mostly in rural communities and cantinas. Also popular in Panama are rum, vodka, and scotch.

What does Seco energy mean?

In 1938, when the company was established as Sumter Electric Cooperative, Inc. we were able to turn the lights on to approximately 400 rural farms near Webster. Since that time, SECO has grown from a tiny, struggling rural cooperative into one of the largest co-ops in the state of Florida and in the nation.

What is traditional Panamanian food?


  • Ceviche: Raw fish or seafood marinated in lime juice, onions and peppers.
  • Patacones de plátano: Twice-fried plantain cakes, served with most meals.
  • Sancocho: Panamanian chicken stew with vegetables and coriander-like herbs.
  • Tamales: Sweet or savoury maize dough, steamed and wrapped in banana leaves.

What’s the difference between Seco and rum in Panama?

Although most assume that rum is Panama’s national liquor, it’s actually Seco—an 80-proof, white spirit distilled from sugarcane. So, how does it differ from rum?

Which is the most popular brand of Seco?

It is a clear liquor that is sold at eighty proofSeco Herrerano is the most popular brand of seco, brewed by the same family who invented seco in Panama in 1908. In Panama, seco is often sold packaged together with a mixer Seco Herrerano is considered the national alcoholic beverage of Panama.

How to make a Seco cocktail in Panama City?

Here are three seco cocktails to try at home from some of Panama City’s best chefs and bartenders: Preparation: Shake all ingredients and strain into a martini glass. Stir in spheres and garnish with sprig of rosemary. Preparation: Chill the vegetable oil in a tall glass.

Where is Seco Herrerano rum made in Panama?

Seco Herrerano is made in central Panama in the town of Pesé, near where the sugarcane is grown in Pese Valley, by Varela Hermanos—a family-run distillery that dates back to 1936. Visitors are welcome to tour the distillery, but advance reservations are recommended.

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